7. Customer Support
For technical support of the AURA FDM light engine, please contact Lumencor by phone at 503.213.4269 or via e-mail
Please be prepared to provide the 4- or 5-digit serial number of the light engine. The
serial number is printed on the certificate of conformance (Figure 1) and on an identification sticker located on the
underside of the light engine. In order to determine whether performance issues can be resolved in situ by adjustments
to the system configuration, or whether a fault has developed in the light engine that requires its return to Lumencor’s
facility in Beaverton, Oregon for service, please provide a full description of the problems encountered and information on
the usage context (e.g. what microscope and what control software is being used). Any light engine return to Lumencor
for service or repair requires a material authorization (RMA) number. To obtain a RMA number, submit the online request
form at http://lumencor.com/support/lumencor-rma-request-form. It is the customer’s responsibility to properly package
and safely ship products to Lumencor. Instructions for shipping will be provided in the e-mail giving notification of the
RMA number.
8. Warranty
The AURA FDM light engine is backed by an 18 month warranty. Warranty coverage starts on the original date of
shipment from Lumencor. Light Engines qualifying for warranty service must be verifiably delivering performance that is
substantially at variance with the levels documented in the certificate of conformance. The light engine must also have
been used and maintained under operating conditions consistent with the specifications given in Section 5, and
observing all the Precautions and Warnings notified in Section 2. This warranty does not extend to light engines that
have been subject to misuse, accident, tampering or improper installation. Accessories including (but not limited to)
liquid light guides, optical fibers, collimators, cables and control consoles are not covered by the warranties attached to
light engines.
AURA FDM Light Engine Manual