Export the configuration to a pdf file
Saving the configuration to a file
Reading the configuration from file
Saving the configuration to a meter
Reading the configuration from a mete
the connected
connect /
Figure 7: Configuration reading and saving from eCon menu
When connected via the RS485 interface, set the following transmis
sion parameters: the address (device ID), the speed and mode. Factory
settings of RS485 interface are as follows: Address 1, speed 9600,
mode RTU 8N2. For USB connection the following must be set:
address 1 (or any other), speed 115200, mode RTU 8N2.
Figure 6: Setting connection with S4AI module
After setting the parameters, select the „
Before changing the configuration of the module, it is advisable to read
and save the current configuration to a file to be able to restore the
previous configuration. From e-Con application menu it is possible to
save the configuration to a file, to read the file and also export the con
figuration to a pdf file.