Section 10 - Miscellaneous Commands
Copyright 2007-2017 Lumagen, Inc Radiance Pro, Rev 052517
Auto Input Select
When enabled, this list can be used to auto switch to an active input when the current video source is
turned off. The priority 1 input is the first input tried when the current video source is turned off. HDMI
inputs can be auto selected when turned on by setting “Select when On” to “Y”. Disable auto selection by
deleting all entries in the list. The command is:
I/O Setup
Auto Select
Zoom Step
Sets the size of the Zoom step to 5% or 15%. The command is:
Zoom step
(5%, 15%)
Configuration Memory Usage
By default, when a configuration memory (A-D) is chosen the selection applies to all inputs. For example if
input 1A is active, then input 2 is selected followed by selecting “MemB,” if input 1 is again selected, it
would use configuration memory 1B. This is called the “Common” configuration memory mode. Generally
this mode is used when specific day and night calibrations are desired and used for all inputs.
You can set the memory usage to be “Per Input.” That is the configuration memory selection is independent
for each input. In this mode, using the example above, starting with input 1A, changing to input 2, pressing
“MemB” and finally selecting input 1, results in using configuration memory 1A. The command is:
Memory Usage
(Common, Per Input)
Fan Control
The target FPGA (“Chip”) temperature can be selected as well as the minimum fan speed. It is
recommended that the target FPGA Chip temperature is selected as 84C, which is the default. Temperatures
up to 94C can be selected, and for most systems work fine, but system speed is rated at 85C.
The minimum fan speed helps maintain a more consistent FPGA temperature. The minimum fan speed
defaults to 4.
The FPGA temperature is shown in the menu and on the Info Screen page 2. The command is:
Fan Control
Quick Keys
There is an easily assessable, top-level, menu called “Quick Keys”, which gives access to functions that are
normally selected using buttons on the Lumagen remote. This menu can be used with programmable
remotes that have limited buttons. You can use the arrow buttons on the remote to highlight one of the
functions and press “Ok” to execute the function. Alternately you can use a number button on the remote to
highlight one of the functions and then press “Ok” to execute the function. (0)4:3, (1)LBOX, (2)16:9,
(3)1.85, (4)2.35, (5)NLS), (6)Zoom+, (7)Zoom-), (8)MemA, (9)MemB, (n/a)MemC, (n/a)MemD, (n/a)3D
Off, (n/a)3D SbyS, (n/a)3D TopB. The command is:
Quick Keys
Saving the Configuration
If a Save command is not executed after making changes, the changes w ill be
discarded w hen the unit is put in standby mode, or pow er is interrupted.
Permanently save the current configuration. Note that, once saved, the configuration is retained even if the
unit is disconnected from power. The configuration from the previous save is retained to allow one level of
save-undo. You can use the Radiance Configuration Utility found on the Lumagen.com support page to
download a configuration file to your PC. The command is: