Telephone Features (instructions for customizing begin on page 18)
Telephone customization is used to make different telephones in the system work in different ways.
— The telephones in your system have six or twenty-four
buttons that can be line buttons assigned by you or multi-purpose buttons that the user programs
(see User Manual). When you have assigned a line to a button, that button cannot be used
for anything else unless you change the customization for that telephone.
You can assign any outside line to a button on any telephone. The system determines to what
button the line will be assigned (ascending order, starting with button 1 — see page 9). The
installed setting assigns the first 12 lines to the first 12 buttons on 24-button sets and the first
6 lines to the 6 buttons on a 6-button set. If you have fewer than 12 lines, for proper operation
"remove" the "lines" you don’t have (See page 20). Remember, the more line buttons you
assign to a telephone, the fewer SpeedCall and Intercom Extension buttons the telephone can
have. After a line is assigned to a button, the user can select the line by pressing the button. If a
line is not assigned to a button on a particular telephone, the user can select the line by dialing
a code (see User Manual).
— You can assign to each line of each telephone one of the following
permissions. All lines may be customized for LINE USE PERMISSION, including those lines not
assigned to buttons on the telephone.
No Permission.
The telephone may not use that line at all except when a call on that line
is transferred to it.
Full Permission.
The user may place and answer calls on that line. (Installed setting)
Answer Only Permission.
The user may answer calls or retrieve held calls on that line.
— This feature provides the dial tone when you pick up the
receiver, without having to first select a line by pressing a line button. The SPIRIT system has
been factory set to assign Line 2 as the first choice for outgoing calls. This cannot be changed.
Customizing all lines as Not Eligible will mean that the user must select a specific line every time
a call is made. A line that is assigned to a line button and has Full Permission can be set as
which means it can be used by simply picking up the receiver, or Not Eligible, which
means the line button will have to be pressed first to use that line. If lines that are not assigned
to buttons on the telephone are set as Eligible for AUTOMATIC LINE SELECTION, the setting
is ignored. (Installed setting is Eligible.)
— You can assign to any line (with Full or Answer Only Permission)
of any telephone one of the following ringing options for incoming calls.
No Ring.
The line does not ring for incoming calls.
Normal Ring.
The line rings normally. (Installed setting)
Abbreviated Ring.
The line rings for 12 seconds only.
Delayed Ring.
The line does not start ringing until 12 seconds after the call comes in.
— You can assign to each telephone one of the following options. The options
you assign are in effect when Night Service (see User Manual) is on.
Normal Ring
at Night. When Night Service is on, the telephone will disregard customized
LINE RINGING OPTIONS and ring normally for all permitted lines.
Customized Ring
at Night. The telephone will ring the same whether Night Service is on or off.
(Installed setting).
6 Administration Manual