Lucent Technologies 60V Small Broadband Power System J85500Q-1
Issue 4 October 1998
Safety 4 - 3
While installing batteries, follow all safety precautions
outlined in the appropriate battery product manuals.
This unit must be installed, serviced, and operated only by
skilled and qualified personnel who have the necessary
knowledge and practical experience with electrical
equipment and who understand the hazards that can arise
when working on this type of equipment.
Ensure that the appropriate circuit protection device for ac
input being serviced is disconnected before and while
servicing the equipment.
All BPS internal circuits are at hazardous voltage with
respect to ground (earth ground and equipment frame).
The output of the DC/DC power module (e.g., 12V, 5V)
that supplies power to these circuits are referenced to the
floating battery input. Therefore, when the BPS switches,
every other cycle will cause the logic circuits to be at high
peak voltage levels, approximately 82 volts.
Any strap settings required inside the BPS should be done
with all power disconnected.
Statements and
Safety Symbols
The symbols may sometimes be accompanied by some type of
statement; e.g., “Hazardous voltage/energy inside. Risk of
injury. This unit must be accessed only by qualified personnel.”
This symbol identifies the need to refer to
the equipment instructions for important
These symbols (or equivalent) are used to
identify the presence of hazardous ac
mains voltage.