Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS/GPS Battery Plant J85500G-2
Issue 6 May 1999
Product Description 2 - 7
The ECS battery plant is compatible with virtually all flooded
and valve regulated batteries. The Lineage
2000 VR Series
battery is designed specifically for use in the ECS battery plant.
Selection of the VR Series battery enables one to maximize
space efficiency and fully realize the benefits of front access,
modular growth, ease of installation and maintenance offered by
the ECS battery plant system design.
The Lineage
2000 VR Series battery is a valve regulated design
incorporating many of the same technologically advanced
features as the highly acclaimed Lineage
2000 Round Cell
battery. It is a compact, totally front access, modular battery
based on a unit cell architecture. The VR Series battery is
currently available in a 2 volt, 375 or 250 ampere-hour
configuration for use in the ECS plant. The compact physical
dimensions of the VR battery permit the installation of up to 750
ampere-hours of 48 volt battery reserve in a single framework
space. (See the Lineage
2000 VR Series battery product manual
for additional information.) For systems requiring higher
capacities and/or longer reserve times, the Lineage
2000 Round
Cell Series of batteries is appropriate.
The ECS or Galaxy controller performs the centralized
monitoring, control and reporting functions for the ECS battery
ECS Controller
The basic ECS controller can monitor and control up to twelve
rectifiers. It also provides a single interface point for power
alarm and status reporting.
Two optional expansion circuit packs are available to upgrade
the ECS controller: a microcomputer board equipped with a
powerful 16-bit microprocessor, and a datalogger board. The
microcomputer board adds sophisticated firmware features such
as remote communications, alarm history, and statistics. This
board is available as List 5 or 7 on J85500G-2. List 7 is the same
as List 5, with the addition of a voice response feature. The
datalogger board may be used in conjunction with the
microcomputer option to provide general purpose ac and dc,
voltage and current monitoring and control. This board is
available as List 8 or 9 on J85500G-2. List 9 is the same as List
8, with the addition of a remote termination panel allowing
external connection to the board from outside the controller.
(See the ECS controller manual for further information.)