Use the following guidelines to help you assign lines or line pools and
features to basic telephones connected to the BTMI-2.
To assign lines or line pools, refer to the information in the manual
listed for your system under “Line Assignments.”
NOTE: If you have a MERLIN II System with Feature Module 2 and a
square system configuration and would like to use Direct Inward Sys-
tem Access (DISA), the DISA lines must be administered to the
If you want the basic telephone to have call restrictions, refer to the
information in the manual listed for your system under Call Restric-
To program the following features for your basic telephone(s), you
can use Centralized Programming or, before you connect the BTMI-
2, connect a voice terminal directly to the station jack to which you
plan to connect the BTMI-2, and program the features from there.
NOTE: There is a Feature Programming Chart at the end of this sec-
tion for some of the features listed. For further information, refer to
the administration information provided with your MERLIN system.
Ringing Options. If you don’t want the basic telephone to ring
on every line, you can specify which lines ring when a call comes
in by programming Ringing Options for the telephone. Refer to
the information under “Ringing Options” in the manual listed for
your system.
Automatic Line Selection. To specify the order in which the sys-
tem makes lines available, program an Automatic Line Selection
sequence for the basic telephone. Be sure to program Automatic
Line Selection only for those lines to be used by the basic tele-
NOTE: If you have connected two MERLIN Communications
Systems using two BTMI-2s, the lines connected to the BTMI-2s
must be programmed for No Ring under Ringing Options and
must not be included in any Automatic Line Selection list.
Voice Announcement Disable. Basic telephones can receive
ringing intercom calls, but not intercom calls with voice announce-
ment. Therefore, you must program Voice Announcement Dis-
able for the telephone.
Last Number Redial. Redial the number you dialed most
recently using a 3-digit code.
Saved Number Redial. Save a number indefinitely for later redi-
aling using a 3-digit code.
iss 2, cib3128-14