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Building Safety. Building Security.
• Compact control panel with display
and operating fi eld for small and mid-
sized systems
• BCnet sectional control panel without
display and operating fi eld
• Low profi le 19“ cabinet installation
• Analogue ringbus technology with
unshielded detector cabling
• Addressable conventional technology
• EN 54/VdS-certifi ed
Fire is a permanent threat to life and property. There-
fore, immediate response to a fi re is imperative. The
main objective of the fi re detection control panel Series
BC216 is to alarm and to react in time and, conse-
quently, save lives and protect property. For decades
LST have focused their aims to undertaking unrivaled
efforts in order to realize new innovations in the security
area. Research, development and production are loca-
ted within LST premises, thus guaranteeing fl exible and
reliable individual solutions.
Using a 32-bit multiprocessor system, the fi re detection
control panel Series BC216 ensures topmost effi ciency
and speed – prerequisites for saving lives and minimi-
zing damage to property.
The Fire Detection Control Panel BC216-1CE is a mo-
dularly designed compact control panel in 19“ slide-in
technology for small and mid-sized fi re detection sys-
tems. The extensive functions and features correspond
to the Fire Detection Control Panel BC216-1 to the full
By installing a Network Interface Module NIF5-1M, the
BC216-1CE can be expanded to form a BCnet sectional
control panel.
The BCnet Sectional Control Panel BC216-3CE is a mo-
dularly designed sectional control panel in 19“ slide-in
technology without display and operating fi eld („Black
Box“ control panel) for the application in a Fire Detec-
tion Control Panel BCnet216.
All BCnet sectional control panels are connected with
each other via a redundant high-security network (the
Global Security System network GSSnet). Due to the
decentralized structure, the failure safety of the entire
system is signifi cantly improved compared to conventi-
onally designed fi re detection control panels.
Both versions provide two slots for the connection of
function modules (Conventional Detector Interface GIF8-
1 or Loop Interface LIF64-1) to which a total of 16 de-
tector lines in addressable conventional technology or
a total of two ADM loops or a combination of the both
can be connected.
The ADM loop principle offers intelligent analogue ring-
bus technology with bi-directional data transfer. Each
loop provides for the software-aided administration of
up to 198 physical address points in a maximum of 128
detector zones. Addressable conventional technology
allows for the connection of automatic and non-auto-
matic fi re detectors as well as the unambiguous iden-
tifi cation of the activated detector in the event of an
Easy parameterisation on the control panel‘s display
and operating unit (BC216-1CE) or by means of a PC
software enables you to tailor the control panel to your
individual requirements.