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Building Safety. Building Security.
• For application in small systems
• Up to 6 detector zones in conventional
• Differentiation between the activation
of automatic detectors and manual call
points on the same detector line
• Evacuation function (NEN 2575)
• Tested to EN 54-2, -4 by VdS
Fire is a permanent threat to life and property. There-
fore, immediate response to a fi re is imperative. The
main objective of the Fire Detection Control Panel
Series BC06 is to alarm and to react in time and, con-
sequently, save lives and protect property. For decades
LST have focused their aims to undertaking unrivaled
efforts in order to realise new innovations in the security
area. Research, development and production are loca-
ted within LST premises, thus guaranteeing fl exible and
reliable individual solutions.
Using a powerful processor system and a large num-
ber of integrated functions, the Fire Detection Control
Panels Series BC06 ensure topmost effi ciency and
speed – prerequisites for saving lives and minimising
damage to property.
Already in the basic version the Fire Detection Control
Panels BC06-1 and BC06-2 are equipped with four de-
tector lines and, owing to its sophisticated factory set-
tings, are immediately ready for operation. This allows
for quick and effi cient application of the product.
The conventional technology allows for the connection
of automatic and non-automatic fi re detectors as well as
a wide range of special detectors with contact output.
Alarms from manual call points and from automatic de-
tectors that are connected together to one detector line
can be differentiated and thus evaluated differently by
the fi re detection control panel, by means of an optional
coding module.
Thanks to the two auxiliary inputs whose parameters
can be freely set as well as the eight open-collector
outputs with predefi ned function, manifold tasks in the
fi eld of fi re alarm technology can be realised.
The optional evacuation function serves for the actu-
ation of alarming devices independent from activated
alarms. Depending on the parameterisation, different
country-specifi c regulations (e.g., NEN 2575) can be
fulfi lled.
The Fire Detection Control Panels BC06-1 and BC06-2
provide a slot for the installation of the optional Zone
Extension Board ZEB2-1. With this expansion module
the control panel can be upgraded from four to six de-
tector zones.
A printer for the event log can be connected via the
optional Serial Interface Module SIM06-1.
The Fire Detection Control Panel BC06-2 differs from
the BC06-1 by the additionally integrated 4-digit electro-
nic alarm counter.