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2251TEM_DBL_LST_EN_0819.PDF • PAGE 1
Building Safety. Building Security.
The addressable Multisensor 2251TEM uses the
scattered light principle as well as a separate thermal
detection unit. It was developed to detect the charac-
teristics of fi re in a wide range of applications, and to
avoid deceptive alarms. The modern design of both
measurement systems and the analysis of the parame-
ters by means of a special algorithm allow to reliably
evaluate the characteristics of fi re.
The sensitivity of the detector can be individually adjus-
ted in 5 steps between 1.5%/m and 5.2%/m according
to the application. Three steps have a fi xed sensitivity,
whereas two self-learning steps automatically adjust the
sensitivity to short-term changes of the environmental
conditions. Furthermore, the optical detection unit can
be completely disabled for a thermal-only operation.
The proven ADM loop technology with System Sen-
sor/200 protocol establishes a permanent communi-
cation between the fi re detection control panel and the
detector. That ensures a periodical function testing of
the detector.
The infl uence of contamination on the optical measu-
rement system is compensated for by using intelligent
evaluation algorithms. With that, the response sensiti-
vity of the detector is kept constant for a long time –
a further effective step to avoid false alarms.
The two LEDs with 360° visibility indicate the activated
condition of the detector. The detector address is se-
lected with two decadic rotary switches, thus allowing
to change the detector without additional tools.
A detector function test can be conveniently conducted
using a magnet. The detector can be attached to va-
rious bases and it can be protected against theft.
• ADM loop technology with
System Sensor/200 protocol
• Combination of optical and thermal
characteristics of fi re
• Two self-learning and three fi xed
sensitivity levels
• Thermal-only operation
• Constant response sensitivity
• Function testable with magnet