Chapter 7 P2P Service
7.3.4 User Defined Frame
Send/Receive frames must be defined if there are frames to be sent or received whose structure
is different from the structure of XGT dedicated frame or Modbus TCP frames in the network. This
is available only in P2P service.
All the frames are composed of Header, Data and Tail which can be omitted respectively.
In XGT, user defined frames are displayed with group name and frame name whose details are
as follows;
(1) Group
1) Group of frames with identical header and tail.
2) Group registration surely necessary for the frame registration.
(2) Frame
1) Composed of Header, Body and Tail
2) Send/Receive frame shall be defined
3) Fixed and Variable size variables can be added to Body
4) Frame is composed of lots of segments, and up to 4 variable segments can be registered for
a Body.
(3) Type of segments
Header, Body and Tail of the frame are composed of lots of segments, which can be registered
on the frame edit window as below.
[Fig. 7.3.7] Register of Segments
Segments used to configure the frame are numerical constant, String Constant, Fixed or
Variable size variables.
[Fig. 7.3.8] Add segment screen