Installation manual
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Then cover only the electrodes with soil and press them to obtain a good contact, water and bentonite can
be added the enhance the contact.
Switch on the device and do the contact resistance test
Switch on the system and start the contact resistance test as described in Chapter 5 “Installation, first start
up and system configuration” of Manual
If the contact resistance test is ok (Contact resistances < 1000 ohm, preferably < 500 ohm) proceed, if not
pour water or salty water on the electrodes, press them and cover them with more soil or use bentonite to
enhance the contact. Re-do the contact resistance test.
Cover the trench
Mark the position of the electrodes before covering the trench, with pickets or signs. GPS coordinate
of the electrodes can be measured.
First and last electrode’s coordinates are mandatory to
configure the system on the cloud software,
these coordinates can be measured before installation to configure the system before going on site.
Use the excavator to cover the trench, taking care of not moving the cables and electrodes. Press
gently of the electrodes with the excavator while putting the soil inside the trench to enhance the