Paging Groups
1. Enter the number for the pager or the group.
• If only paging staff pagers and have the transmitter default set to Pager, enter the pager or
group number directly.
• If paging, default is set to Guest, press Staff before entering the pager or group number.
2. Enter the message to send.
3. Press ENTER.
To Turn Group Paging On/Off
1. Press SETUP and enter the Password.
2. Press 1 (System).
3. Press F2 (DN) until display shows 1) POCSAG.
4. Press F2 Down until screen shows 2) Group Paging
5. Press 2) Group Paging
6. Press F1 (Yes) or F4 (No).
Manager Mapping
The Manager Map function allows the user to store up to 10 manager cell phone numbers to use in situa-
tions where the manager’s cell phone would be alerted. Example functions would include a times alarm or a
triggered Dry Contact. Manager numbers will be stored in pager numbers 501-510.
Requires cell paging to be enabled.
1. Press SETUP and enter Password.
2. Press 1 (System).
3. Press F2 (DN) until screen shows 3) Manager Map.
4. Press 3) Manager Map.
5. Type in a pager number 501-510.
6. Type in a manager’s cell phone number to correspond to the pager number and press ENTER.
Dry Contacts
The Dry Contact are contacts or switches that are connected through a wire to the T7470, for example:
Doorbell. This sensor can send a message to the pager or cell phone when an event occurs (e.g., alarms if
a door is opened). To make a Dry Contact alert the manager’s cell phone when the contact is triggered: This
function requires Network Enabled, cell paging ON, a manager cell phone number mapped, and a valid ac-
count. Default setting for the Contact Sensor is OFF. To program the Contact Sensor (Dry Contact):
1. Press SETUP and enter the Password.
2. Press F2 (DN) until the display shows 1: Dry Contact.
3. Select 1 (1: Dry Contact).
4. At the Contact Menu screen - select 1 (1: Prog Contacts).
5. Select contact to program - press 1 (1: Contact #1) or 2 (2: Contact #2).
6. The Screen will show if Contact Sensor is currently on or off:
• Press F1 to turn the function ON.
• Press F2 to turn the function OFF.
Long Range Systems
T7470 User Manual