The LRP A.I. BRUSHLESS (PRO) REVERSE speed-control features LRPs excluxive AutoCell System. You
can choose between 2 modes:
• LiPo/NiMH-Automatic Mode
• 4-7cell NiMH Racing Mode
The works default setting of the speed-control is LiPo/NiMH-Automatic mode.
When using the LiPo/NiMH-Automatic Mode, the speed-control will switch off the drive function as
soon as the battery voltage falls under a value, which is harmful for LiPo batteries. Thus protecting your
LiPo battery against deep-discharging. If you are using your speedo with LiPo batteries, we strongly
recommend to always use the LiPo/NiMH-Automatic Mode. When using the 4-7cell Racing Mode, the
drive function will not be switched off.
Displaying the current mode during switch-on:
You can check the current mode setting by switching on the speed-control while the transmitter is also
switched on. The initial flashing of the LED tells you, which mode is currently activated.
• The LED flashes
, followed by a short break and then stays on continuously.
LiPo/NiMH-Automatic Mode is active.
• The LED flashes
, followed by a short break and then stays on continuously.
4-7cell NiMH Racing Mode is active.
Toggle AutoCell mode:
1. Pull out the receiver wire from the receiver.
2. Turn on the speed-control (with the battery connected).
3. The LED flashes and indicates the current mode. See above for further reference.
4. After approx. 5 sec, the speed-control automatically switches the mode. This will be indicated by the
LED flashing again and indicating the new mode.
5. Turn off the speed-control. The new mode setting is now stored.
6. Re-connect the receiver wire of the speed-control with the receiver.
Automatic Brushless / Brushed Adaptation:
The LRP exclusive Automatic Brushless/
Brushed Adaptation detects the connected motor type during turn-on/initialisation and adjusts the
correct brushless or brushed operation automatically. No adjustments required by yourself, apart from
the correct connection of each motor type (don‘t forget the hall-sensor-wire for brushless!).
LRP A.I. Automatic:
Due to the LRP exclusive A.I. Automatic Technology, there is no need for a
manual setup of the speed-control by pushbuttons or potentiometers. All you need to do is simply plug
in the speed-control and you’re ready to go. The speed-control “learns” the neutral, full-speed forward
and full-speed reverse point of the radio system while the car is running. This way, the speed-control
has the optimized setup for every run - automaticly. Incorrect setups are a thing of the past with the LRP
A.I. BRUSHLESS (PRO) REVERSE speed-controls.
AutoCell System:
Ready for the next battery technology – LiPo batteries! LRP’s exclusive and
smart AutoCell System ensures that LiPo batteries can be used safely without accidentially deep-di-
scharging of the cells. The motor function will be shut-off and the LED will flash if the system recognises
very low battery voltage.
Due to latest production technologies and use of HighTech materials, it was possib-
le to make these speed-controls fully waterproof! This material also makes the speed-controls more
shock resistant then other similar products. It‘s no longer needed to seal your speed-control when you
are driving in the rain/snow!
But please make sure you still seal your other electronic components (receiver, servo and motor) since
these are normally not waterproof and will get damaged due to the water.
Fail Safe System:
Digital protection against radio interference, “The guardian angel“. The safety
electronic can detect reception of a “false” or incomplete radio signal, e.g due to a low transmitter
battery or environmental radio interference which reach the model, or if the model is out of the trans-
mitter range. For protection against damage, the speed-control switches to the neutral position, and
the model comes to a stop.
LRP tip:
The model will remain in a standstill, even if you connect the drive battery to the speed-control
first and then switch on the transmitter! Provides perfect protection against mistakes commonly made
by beginners.
Sensored Brushless Technology:
The sensors allow the perfect knowledge of the brushless
motor’s magnet position. This results in perfect motor control at high and low RPM‘s, as well as perfect
brake control.
Multi-Protection System, 3-way protection:
The perfect protection against short-cir-
cuits (motor), overload and overheating (of the speed-control and of the motor). If your speed-control or
motor faces overload, the motor function will be shut-off for protection and the LED will flash, although
the steering function is maintained. Let everything cool down for a few minutes.
If the speed-control switches off frequently, either the motor used is too strong, the motor pinion is
too big or you are using full brake too often. You can improve this if you make additional cooling slots
in the body.
After wiring up the speed-control, it is ready to operate. No setup is required. The speed-control
„learns“ the neutral, full-speed forward and full-speed reverse points while the car is running.
Please note:
Before you plug in the drive battery, set the transmitter to neutral position and then start
the model in the forward direction.
AND... GO!
• If you have made a mistake so far, don’t worry: Switch off the speed-control for about 10 seconds
and start over again.
• After the run, first switch off the speed-control, unplug the battery and then switch off the transmit-
ter. When you start again, first switch on the transmitter, then plug in the battery and switch on the
partial throttle
full throttle
partial brake
full brake/reverse
Check the LED‘s when moving your throttle stick and you will see if everything is setup correctly.
All products from LRP electronic (hereinafter called “LRP”) are manufactured according to the highest
quality standards. LRP guarantees this product to be free from defects in materials or workmanship for 90
days (non-european countris only) from the original date of purchase verified by sales receipt. This limited
warranty doesn’t cover defects, which are a result of normal wear, misuse or improper maintenance. This
applies among other things on:
• Cut off original power plug or not using reverse polarity protected plugs
• Receiver wire and/or switch wire damaged
• Mechanical damage of the case
• Mechanical damage of electronical components/PCB
• Soldered on the PCB (except on external solder-tabs)
• Connected speed-control with reversed polarity
To eliminate all other possibilities or improper handling, first check all other components and the trouble
shooting guide, if available, before you send in this product for repair or warranty. Products sent in for
repair, that operate perfect have to be charged with a service fee.
By sending in this product, you assign LRP to repair the product, if it is no warranty or Limited Lifetime
Warranty case. The original sales receipt including date of purchase needs to be included. Otherwise, no
warranty can be granted. For quick repair- and return service, add your address and detailed description
of the malfunction.
Because we don’t have control over the installation or use of this product, we can‘t accept any liability for
any damages resulting from using this product. Therefore using this product is at owner‘s risk. Our limited
warranty liability shall be limited to repairing the unit to our original specifications. In no case shall our
liability exceed the original cost of the unit. By installing or operating this product, the user accepts all
resulting liability.
The specifications like weight, size and others should be seen as guide values. Due to ongoing technical
improvements, which are done in the interest of the product, LRP does not take any responsibility for the
accuracy of these specs.
With Limited Lifetime Warranty products, the warranty terms on the Limited Lifetime Warranty card do
also apply.
• Package your product carefully and include sales receipt and detailed description of malfunction.
• Send parcel to your national LRP distributor.
• Distributor repairs or exchanges the product.
• Shipment back to you usually by COD (cash on delivery), but this is subject to your national LRP
distributor‘s general policy.
If no remark, cause can be either with brushless or brushed motor. If „BM“ is indicated,
cause only relating to brushed motor.
Servo is working, no motor function.
Speed-control plugged in incorrectly
Plug speed-control in Ch 2
Overload protection activated
Allow speed-control to cool down
Wiring problem
Check wires and plugs
Motor defective
Replace motor
- Motor brushes stuck
Check that brushes are moving freely
Speed-control defective
Send in product for repair
No servo and no motor function.
Speed-control plugged in incorrectly
Plug speed-control in with correct polarity
Crystal defective
Replace components one by one.
Receiver defective
Transmitter defective
Speed-control defective
Send in product for repair
Motor runs in reverse when accelera-
ting forward on the transmitter.
- Motor connected incorrectly
Connect motor correctly
Insufficient performance.
E.g. poor brake power, topspeed or
Motor pinion too big or gear ratio too long.
Use smaller motor pinion/shorter gear ratio
Transmitter settings changed after set-up
Repeat set-up procedure
- Motor worn out
Maintain motor
Motor defective
Replace motor
Speed-control defective.
Send in product for repair
Speed-control overheats or switches
off frequently.
Motor stronger than motorlimit or input voltage
too high
Use only motors and batteries which are within
the specifications of the speed-control
Motor pinion too big or gear ratio too long.
Use smaller motor pinion/shorter gear ratio
Drive train or bearing problems.
Check or replace components.
Model used too often without cool-down periods
Let speed-control cool down after every run
Motor never stops, runs at constant
slow speed
Transmitter settings changed after set-up
Repeat set-up procedure
Humidity/water in speed-control
Immediately unplug and dry speed-control
Speed-control defective
Send in product for repair
Radio interference
- Motor suppressors not sufficient
Solder capacitors to motor
Receiver or antenna too close to power wires,
motor, battery or speed-control.
Receiver aerial too short or coiled up
See „Installation Tips“ and „Installation“
Receiver defective, too sensitive;
Transmitter defective, transmitter output power
too low, servo problem
Replace components one by one
Only use original manufacturers crystals
Poor battery connection
Check plugs and connecting wires
Transmitter batteries empty
Replace / recharge transmitter batteries
Transmitter antenna too short
Pull out antenna to full length
Speed-control looses settings
Receiver problem (especially with some 2.4GHz
Use a power capacitor on the receiver