Leitenberger GmbH •
Bahnhofstr. 33 • D-72138 Kirchentellinsfurt •
Tel. +49 (0) 7121-90920-0 • Fax +49 (0) 7121-90920-99 •
• www.druck-temperatur.de
Kalibrier-Handpumpen LPP 700 / LPP 1000
Pressure Test Pumps LPP 700 / LPP 1000
6.2 Environmental requirement
When sing the hydraulic pressure test pump not in a temperature controlled laboratory, look for
an area that sasfies the following criteria as much as possible:
• A constant temperature area free from draughts and sources of heat or cold
• An area free from noise and vibraon, constantly used pathways
• A clean dry area free from corrosive liquids or vapours
6.3 Inial operaon
6.3.1 Mounng of unit under test and reference pressure instrument
1. The reference pressure instrument is fi ed to the upper side of the pressure test pump.
The reference instrument is sealed by the integral O-ring sealing gasket. The maximum
torque is 15 Nm.
2. The unit under test is mounted to the end of the flexible test hose. Tighten to the connector
to prevent any leaks to a maximum torque of 15 Nm.
As an accessory, stainless stell sets of adapters are available to cover several thread dimensions
of your test specimen. Tighten the oponal adapters to a maximum torque of 15 Nm.
It is possible to connect an unit under test directly to the pump body. Aer dismounng the test
hose connecter, there is a 1/4" BSP female thread at the side of the pump body.
Take care that instruments to be connected to the pressure test pump are clean inside.
NOTE: The following numbers in brackets are related to the picture on page 24.
6.3.2 Filling the reservoir of the pressure test pump
1. Dismount the filling screw (8).
2. Fill the reservoir for 2/3 up to max. 3/4 with suitable operaon fluid (see chapter 3.2).
3. Mount the filling screw (8) - hand ght.
4. We strongly recommend to pre-fill the test hose: operate the handles of the pump unl
operang fluid becomes visible at the open end of the test hose (reference port must be
closed during this operaon).
If deslled water is used as operang fluid, the pressure test pump must be emptyed
aer each usage (by opening the drain screw (9) at the bo om of the reservoir).
The maximum allowed temperature of the operang fluid is 70°C
If first dirt or parcles become visible in the reservoir, change the operang fluid
War safety goggles!
Protect eyes from flying parcles and liquid splashes.