L-DALI User Manual
Version 5.2
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
frequently than the selected log interval. Using aggregation, the log interval can be chosen
to limit the amount of logged data while preserving information of the trended value.
For technology trend log objects, certain restrictions apply as to how many data points can
be trended in one trend log and which trend modes are available. Refer to the technology
sections for more information.
The e-mail function can be combined with the other AST features. The format of an e-mail
is defined through
e-mail templates
. An e-mail template defines the recipients, the e-mail
text, value parameters inserted into the text and triggers, which invoke the transmission of
an e-mail. An e-mail template can also specify one or more files to be sent along as an
The e-mail text content can contain text and configurable placeholders. The placeholders
expand to their content when the e-mail is transmitted. Placeholders can also be used in
other text fields, such the Subject field. The placeholders available for e-mail templates are
listed in Table 16.
This placeholder expands to the content of a data point variable defined in the e-mail
template. The n refers to the n-th data point variable in the list. The data point variable
list specifies this index.
If the data point variable is an alarm, this placeholder expands to the source name of the
alarmed data point, for which a new alarm is reported.
If the data point variable is an alarm, this placeholder expands to the message of the
reported alarm. For a to-alarm transition it contains the alarm message, for a to-normal
transition it contains the clear message, for a to-fault transition it contains the fault
If the data point variable is an alarm, this placeholder expands to the alarm type of the
reported alarm.
If the data point variable is an alarm, this placeholder expands to the state of the reported
If the data point variable is an alarm, this placeholder expands to the alarm time of the
reported alarm.
If the data point variable is an alarm, this placeholder expands to the clear time of the
reported alarm.
If the data point variable is an alarm, this placeholder expands to the acknowledge time
of the reported alarm.
If the data point variable is an alarm, this placeholder expands to the acknowledge source
text of the reported alarm. If the alarm has not been acknowledge, this is empty.
If the data point variable is an alarm, this placeholder expands to the value which
triggered the alarm (alarm value).
This placeholder expands to the mail ID used for the transmitted message. This mail ID
is different for each message.
This placeholder expands to the mail timestamp seen in the transmitted message.
Table 16: Placeholders in e-mail templates.
A prerequisite to sending e-mails is the configuration of an e-mail account on the device.
This can be done on the Web UI (see Section 5.2.10). It is recommended to use the e-mail
server of your Internet provider. For public mailers, enable the required authentication.
SSL/TLS e-mail authentication is supported for using Hotmail, gmail or Yahoo!.
The amount of generated e-mails can be limited using a rate limit algorithm. The
transmission of e-mails can be disabled altogether by using a special data point. That data
point can be scheduled or driven over the network.