L-DALI User Manual
Version 5.2
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
the oldest alarm log records are overwritten by newer alarm transitions. The alarm log is
available on the Web UI or can be uploaded from the device as a CSV file. The CSV file
can also be used as an e-mail attachment.
Schedulers are objects that schedule values of data points on a timely basis. A scheduler
object is configured by which data points it shall schedule. This configuration is done by the
system engineer once, when the system is designed. The configuration of the times and
values that shall be scheduled is not part of that initial configuration and may be changed
later. This distinction has to be kept in mind.
A scheduler object sets its data points to predefined values at specified times. The function
of the scheduler is state-based. This means, that after a given time, the scheduler maintains
this state. It can re-transmit the scheduled values as appropriate (e.g., when rebooting). The
predefined values are called
value presets
. A value preset contains one or more values
under a single label (e.g., “occupied” schedules the values { 20.0, TRUE, 400 } ). Each
preset can also be configured with a display color.
Which value preset is scheduled at what time is defined by a
scheduled event
. The event
defines the starting time, value preset and end time in a 24-hour period. Events can be one-
time events or recurring events. A schedule typically consists of a number of recurring and
one-time events, for instance one event for the weekdays Monday through Sunday. See
Figure 116 for an example of a schedule in a given calendar week.
Figure 116: Example of a recurring event in a schedule.
How scheduled events are recurring can be defined by choosing the appropriate event type:
: This event occurs exactly on one defined date.
: This event occurs every day, starting at a given date and ending at a given date.
: This event occurs every week on the specified weekday.
: This event occurs every month following a date range or a defined rule (e.g.
every last Friday).
: This event occurs every year following a date range or a specific day every
: This is a special event. The selected preset value will be in effect 00:00 to
24:00 hours every day if no other event occurs.
: For some tasks the regular recurrence such as on weekdays is not sufficient.
This can be implemented by defining events based on a
. For instance, there
may be a calendar for holidays. The calendar contains a number of
calendar patterns