L-DALI User Manual
Version 5.2
LOYTEC electronics GmbH
The structure types are available in a type repository with the Configurator. This repository
is divided into scopes. Within each scope a type has a unique name. When selecting a type,
the scope and the type name needs to be specified.
Favorites can also be structured. A structured favorite can be created by dragging a
structured data point into the favorites folder. As a default, the structure top is linked to the
structure top of the target data point while all sub-element are linked to their respective
target sub-elements. It is also possible to unlink the structure top and link its sub-elements
to different individual data points. When entirely unlinked, the structured favorite behaves
like a structured user register.
Property Relations
A data point possesses a number of properties, which influence the behavior and appearance
of the data point. Examples are data point name, poll cycle or alarm limits. Most of those
properties are determined by the configuration and are static during operation of the device.
Some of those properties, however, shall get a default value from the configuration and be
modified during run-time. Modification may be carried out by the user by setting the
property value over the Web UI or by L-WEB over the Web service.
In some cases property values shall also be updated by other data points, e.g. a user register
or a technology data point. In this case the data point property is linked to another data
point following a given, semantic relation. This is modeled as a
property relation
. Property
relations appear as data point links with the respective property names underneath their
governing data point. An example is shown in Figure 114. They are marked with a link
symbol . When hovering with the mouse over the link symbol, a bubble help appears
describing the property relation.
Figure 114: Example of property relations.
The property relations can be accessed like regular sub-data points from the Web UI or by
L-WEB over the OPC web service. For this usage, no linkage against other data points is
necessary. Property relations may, however, also be linked to other data points, e.g.
‘feedbackValue’ in Figure 114. In this case the linked data point is used as the related
property. The user may right-click on a linked property relation and choose
Go to related
data point
from the context menu. For mass engineering property relation links to other
data points refer to Section 7.7.8.
The following properties are available as property relations:
This property relation is used for feedback alarm conditions. The data
point value is compared against the feedback value. An alarm is generated, if these
values differ (by a certain amount). It exists only, if an alarm condition has been
This property relation is used to enable or disable alarm generation on
the data point. It exists only, if an alarm condition has been created.
This property relation is TRUE, if the data point is in an alarm. It exists only,
if an alarm condition has been created.
This property relation is TRUE, if the data point’s alarm needs
acknowledgement. It exists only, if an alarm condition has been created.
This property relation defines the high limit for analog alarms. It exists
only, if an alarm condition has been created.