Fine tuning shaft height adjustment and reed height
To get the perfect shed and shed position where the lower half of the shed rests on the shuttle
race, you will need to make an additional adjustment. You do this when you have threaded a
warp on all eight shafts and have started weaving so that the tie-on bar is past the breast beam.
Before starting the adjustment, check the following:
There is a warp threaded on 8 shafts.
The blocking pin is removed during weaving and when adjusting the shaft and beater
With the first series David-III (2021) you could still depress a treadle while the blocking pin
was inplace. This is no longer possible with the later series.
The warp has been advanced so that the tie-on bar is past the breast beam
The distance from the reed to the fabric is at least 18 cm (7 inches).
If you continue weaving closer to the reed, the shed gradually becomes smaller and the
lower half of the shed starts to move up away from the shuttle race.
Two treadles are attached for plain weave
Check that all treadle tie-up cords have the correct loop connected to the screw that belongs
to the corresponding lam. There are 10 empty holes between the connection to the lam and
the connection to the screw on the treadle
Remove the lease sticks from the warp or place them behind the back beam.
Check shaft height
Remove the blocking pin (if it is still inplace).
When depressing a treadle tied up for plain weave,
half of the warp threads should be pulled down.
Check to make sure your shed is even, none of the
threads are higher than the rest
If not
: then correct the shaft height for the
effected shaft. By slightly pressing a shaft with
your hand you can see which shaft you need to
Correct the shaft height by turning the nut on
the corresponding lam eyebolt up or down
(tighten or loosen).
Check the same thing with the second treadle tied
up for plain weave.
All warp threads are forced to move with a plain
weave tie up, thus, by depressing each of the two
treadles, you will have verified all warp threads.