Lotus Evora 2010 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 90

Содержание Evora 2010

Страница 1: ...Publication Part No 8132T0324 Lotus Cars Ltd 2009 OWNER S HANDBOOK USA Lotus Cars USA lnc 2236 Northmont Parkway Duluth Georgia 30096 Tel 77O 476 6ilO F ax 77 0 476 654 l www LotusCars com ...

Страница 2: ...nlsensor 26 open gtheTailgate 26 M nuafActivat6n of sircn 26 TransmitterKeyBattery Replacement 27 EmergencyDisarming Mobilising 28 Prcg mmingAddilionalTransmilters 28 DisinnectingtheCarBaaery __ __ 29 5 ENTRY COMFORT central Door Locking 30 To Openlhe Doors Frcm Outside 30 TocloselheDoolsFnmlnside _ _30 lnlsrioroDlswiich _ _ _ 31 Dynamic ddveaway Lockng __ 31 toOpenitreOoorspromtnside 32 Tocioselh...

Страница 3: ... HazardwamingLampsSwitch 72 lnsturneni Switchlllumination 73 SteeringColumnLeverSwitches 74 HeadlampFlash Dipswitch 74 Wndscreen Wiper Washer Controt _ _ __ 75 Hom _ 76 AudioEquipment _ _ 77 10 HEATING VENTILATION AIR CONDITIONING lnteriorClimate 78 Air Distribuiion 79 Temperaturc Contrcl 79 1nteriorFan 79 Re ckcu1a1ionSwitch 7S AirConditionin9Requesi 80 Demisl Switch 80 Heated RearScreen HRS 80 P...

Страница 4: ... 129 AirCl anerElement _ _ 130 Auxi1iaryDrive8e1t 130 Sparking Plugs _ 130 14 TIRES WHEELS Tires _ _ 131 GlossaryofTerms _ 131 I rre Satuty 131 Tire Carc 132 TiteCharacteris1ics 133 WinterTircs 134 TireChains __ i34 Replacement 1lres _ _ 134 Unifom rire Quality Grading 136 llre Emeqency lfiflatorAerosot _ _ 139 Wheets ___ 140 WheelBolts 140 WheelAlignment lire Balance _ i41 WheelReplacement 141 16...

Страница 5: ...ccessoies l odifcations 166 Sto ngTheEvora 168 19 RECOMMENDED LUBRICANTS Engine 169 SevereService Conditions 169 Transmission 170 Blake C uichSys1em 170 Pow SteerjngSyslem PAS 170 En9ineCoo antAdditive 170 SevereServiceConditions 170 20 TECHNTCAL DATA 171 21 ALPHABETICAL INDEX 177 ...

Страница 6: ...ntended to provide all the technic l informaljon requned lor seruicing and should any adjustment become necessary owne are u ed to contact their Lotus dealer lt is a rcquircment of the waffanty and the responsibility of the owner driver lo ensure that seruicing of the car is canied out at the correct intervals Acomprehensive Contents I sting see page 1 and an alpha betical index al the back of thi...

Страница 7: ... to all the safety information 3 IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMAfION To help you make informed decisions about saf ty this sec lion delails some important safety information about hazardous situations which ifnot avoided could tesull in death orserious injury ln addition impodanl safety information is also provided in forms includingi Safety labels on lhe car Safety messages throughout this handbook high...

Страница 8: ...chemicals known to the State ofCallfornia to cause cancerand birth clefects or other rcproductive harm Engine exhaust can kill lt contains the gas carbon mon oxlde CO which you can t see or sm ll lt can cause unconsciousness and death lfyou ever suspect exhaust gas is entering the cockpil do not drivelhe caruntilthe fault has been repaired ln particular running the engine in an enclosed space can ...

Страница 9: ...ktires fordamage wear and coffect prcssure lncorect lnflation pressure degndes vehicle handling See Iircs on page 131 Check all windows mirors and lights are clear and unob structed and alllights arc correclly working Check that the tailgate and frcnt body access panel are cor rectly lalched Adjust ihe seat and mirrorc and familiaise yourself with Check all instruments and tell lale lamps are read...

Страница 10: ...y shott journeys The emisslons produced by an engine are manytimes grcater when cold than when waIm REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS lfyou believe thatyour car has a fault which could cause a crash injuryordeath you should immediately informthe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA in addition to notifying Lotus Cars USA lnc 2236 Northmont Parkway Duluth Georgia 30096 Tel 770 476 6540 lf NH...

Страница 11: ...visible from oulside the car through th botlom lefi hand corner of the windscreen The number is repeated on another label stuck to the vedical face of the foel tank bay below lhe front edge of the dghl hand rearseat cushion orluggage shelf Pull back a flap in the carpet It is essenlial that the complete Vl N is quoted in any corre spondence concerning the car orwhen odering spare parts Engine Numb...

Страница 12: ...nt operation of window or othe electrical controls ll engine starting attempts are made an accidentcould be caused resulting in death or 3erious injury Vehicle Security Alarm The Lolus Evora is fitted as standad with a PFK 457 immo bilisedalarm which includes the following features Dynamic coding of the transmitter keysr Each time the fansmitters are used ihe encrypted rolling code is changed to q...

Страница 13: ...cenhe button lhe alarm tell lale will be extinguished Arming the Alarn Locking the Doors To lockthe doors and arrn lhe alarm remove the igniiion key shut both doo and check thatthe tailgate is prope y closed Press once the ised logo butlon on the tansmitier key This command will be acknowledged by a single flash otthe hazard lamps Bolh doors will be locked and afler a settling period of 40 seconds...

Страница 14: ...104 Manual Activation ot Siren lf for personal security reasons il is desi d to manually ac livaiethe siren atanytlmewhen the ignition is oii hold p ssed lhe end button on the ttansmitter key for 3 seconds The wailing sken will sound and the hazard lamps llash for a pe od of 30 seconds To siop the siren press once any of the lEnsmittet I 4anual siren activation will not affect the alarm syslem Typ...

Страница 15: ... atelv ard program ned to rhe car alarm controller usrng in r u r ti rniqr sPecillc ldertificalion NumbFt PlN Amaximumof6fansmitters may b progtammed to the car any lhereafter oveMriting the first to have been ptog mmed With the engine immobilised iell tale flashes brieiy once per second turn on the igniiion Enterthe PIN as detailed in the emercency disarming prccess above followed bythe addiliona...

Страница 16: ...y ensuring tiat no persons or objects will be t6pped Frcm inside the car pullthe doorfirmly shut using the handle towards the front ofthe door On shutting the window willclose auLomaticattv unless open bvrequest and the footwell illumina iion wirr le 6xrlnguisneo The rnterior lamp will remain lit for 2 minut s or untillhe ignition is switched on lntsrior CDL Swilch lf it is desked to lock the door...

Страница 17: ...apped Pushthe doorfimly shut using hand prcssure nearthe handle Aftershutting the window willclose automatically unless open by request and the interior lamps will be extinguished atter a 2 minute delay To lock bolh doors press once the mised logo button on lhe transmitter key see alsoAlarm System on page 23 Locking The Doors Mechanically ln the eveni ofa discharged vehicle baitery oran inopercUve...

Страница 18: ...t position whilsl driving as this could adversely affect your control of the car aGamimrll Ensure that no persons or objects will be trapped when adjusting the seat Seat Belts Seai belis provide important safety and comfod for the diver and passengerc and have proven lo be the singae most effective safely device in reducing the isk of death or injury in a crash Notwithstanding any laws requi ng th...

Страница 19: ... allow rore ot iito ii J u t i o t nsrh mav be pulred from lhe rcel btrecr to mat e sure tne child seat is secured and that the belt is snug and will not extend Removing lhe child safety seat 1 Unbuckle the safety belt 2 Remove the child seat 3 Ensure that the belt has fulry lelracted At this poinl tho au tomatic locking f aturc is disengaged Seat Belt Precautions 6rt I I Ntd Ensurethatthe drivera...

Страница 20: ...inflate with great fo ce ln a lraclion of a s cond and ifa vehicle occupant 13 too close lo thealrbag less than 10 inches 25 cml orincorrectly positloned they could be lilled orseriously injured Front seat occupanls willminimise their chances of injury in a frontal collision ifthe seats are position d as far reaMards as s consistenl with maintaining fulland comfortable contrclofthe vehicle and lhe...

Страница 21: ...ut don t replace them The ahbags are designed to deploy only in moderate to severe lrontal and near frontal crashes and wlll offer little or no protection in rollover rear or low speed frontal crashes or in many types of side im pacts Ahbass inflato with sr at force in a Iraction of a second lf you re too close to an lnflating rlrbag as you would be if you vrere leaning forward you could be killed...

Страница 22: ...hould be advised that the car is fitted with aidags to allow suitable precautions to be iaken nrrtrliNllEr For up to 20 seconds after the ignition has been tumed off and the battery disconnected an airbag can still inflate if improper servicing occurs You can be iniured ifyou are close to an airbag when it inflates Airbag system components should be serviced only by an auihorised Lotus deal r or o...

Страница 23: ...d seat in the front passeng r seat of the Evora If the airbag inflates it can hit the child or the back oI the child seat with nough force to KILL OR SERIOUSLY INJURE an infant There is no provision to switch offordlsable the passenger airbag Chlldrenwho are notproperly restrained can be killed or seriously injured in an accidenl Behaviouri lt is essential that the behavaour of any child lrcvel li...

Страница 24: ... be pulled frcm the reel Cbeck to make sure the child seat is secued and that the belt is snug and will not extend Removing the child satety seat 1 Unbuckle lhe safety belt 2 Remove the child seat 3 Ensure that lhe belt has fulty retracted At this point the au lomalic locking feature is disengaged The suitabl lity of any particular child seal for use in ihe Evora must be detenined by the vehicle o...

Страница 25: ...iror Take care when judging distances and approach speeds until tamiliarity has been gained nrmcnllrtd The passengerside convex mlrror makes obiects ssom smaller and farther away than when viewed through a llat mlaror Take care loiudge distances and spesds correctly lfyou move into a lane on your rightwhon the car behlnd is too close you could cause a collislon and a crash Check your lnterior miro...

Страница 26: ...otglassagainsttheweatherst ps atullyraised window will automalically drop a smalldistance when the door is opened prcpatatoryto closing and rise again aftetthe doot EEIIEEI lf the battery supply is interrupted the one touch down and auto drop features will not funciion There will also be an incrcased sk ofdamage to the doorwindow s als until each window is tully mised and the switch held fot 2 sec...

Страница 27: ... windscreen header rail for both d ver and passenger Swing down the visor and if necessary unclip the inboard end to allow the visorto be swung to the side 9 INSTRUMENTS SWTCHES lonition Swiichisteering Lock The switch loct is localed on the nght hand side ol the slee ng column With lhe key out of the switch the steerlng column is locked and the following electrical circuits willfunction Locking a...

Страница 28: ... to unlockthe steedng column and is then leltinthe lock Withdrawing the key will carse the steering to lock Never remove the keyfrom the ignition switch orturn ofi the ignilion while the car ls moving Withdrawing the key will cause lhe sleering to lock and may cause an accidenl resulting in serlous injury ordeath To reduce the risk oI theft or danger to a child remainlng in the car always remove t...

Страница 29: ...ing TellTale ry green lfthe headlamps hav been selecled th is lell tale will lighi up green when lhe igniiion is switched on Abulb check will light the lamp for aboul3 seconds following ignition switch on Tire Pressure Monitoring Systen TPMS O ambe4 With ignition on this amber tell lale warns of low pressure in one or more lites lfthe lamp is triggercd a momeniary audible alert will also sound Sto...

Страница 30: ...ee page 93 Abulb check willlightthe lamp for about 3 seconds following ignjtion switch on rraction control off Tell rale lS amber This ambertelltale reminds the drivetthatthe traction control has be n manually switched off Loius Traction Control LTC should awavs be actrve when d ving on public roads in normal condilions To re activate LTC press momentadly the LTC off switch and check that the tell...

Страница 31: ...ill light whenever lhe ignition is on and the engine is slopped lf il lights any lime when the ngine is running it ind cates that the ballery is not being charged which may bs due to a broken auxiliary drive belt or an electrical fault Stop the car as soon as safelypossible and turn offtheengine The auxiliary belt also drives the engine water pump withoul which tunclion lhe engine willovefteat ver...

Страница 32: ...e to warn that maximum engine speed is being apprcached bul as the rate of engine speed increase is potentially greater in the lower geals the tell tale lrigger poinls are tailorcd to ac commodale the reaciion time available The tell tales will light in the following left to righl sequence one rcd lightl iwo rcd lightsi lhree rcpidly flashing lighls wLh an audible warning When exploiling maximum a...

Страница 33: ...rcen whenever the ignition lf the tempe lure drops to 39 F otbelow a snowflake symbol willbe added and the display willflash for ten seconds accom paried bya single audible chime to alerl th driver to potentially hazardous road condilions Note that optimum accuracy will prevailwhen the car is moving To change the displayed unils between Fah nheit and Cen tigrade see lniormalion Swilch below Time C...

Страница 34: ...PANEL RIGHT HAND SCREEN Coolanl Temperature DisPlaY An indicalion of lhe engine cootant temperature is displayed wlth ignilion on in the form of a vertical bar graph in the inslru ment panel righi hand screen To oplimise display space the shown scale commences at 140 F and finishes al250 E The running temperature will iuctuate a certain amount as the opeating conditons change and du ng poiods of i...

Страница 35: ...at this time interval nnrEENnrd Refer to page 131 for important lire safety warnings The text on this page is a legislative requirement by the Fede6l authorities Each tire including the spare if provided should be checked monlhlywhen cold and in lated to the inflation pressure recom mended by the vehicle manufacturcr on lhe vehicle placard or li iniation pressurclabea lfyoutvehicle haslnes ofa dif...

Страница 36: ...pressed fot morelhan one second The Homesafe feature keeps the headlamps lit for a 30 sec ond period after locking arming the alam in order lo light the departu e route To activate Homesafe leave the headlamps switched oni withdraw lhe ignition key usethe transmitterto locuarm the alarm The headlamp switch willnash duing the 30 s c nd pe od to indicate that Homesafe is operating Lights On Warning ...

Страница 37: ...will sound Press the button a second time to switch off This facility should be used when the c r is siopped on the highway in abnomal circumstances wherc a wa ning to other trafijcwould bejudicious On U K molorways lheit use is also permitled on a stalionary or moving vehicle to warn following diverc of queuing ttaffic ahead Use ofthe hazard waming lamps may be subjectto localttafiic laws with wh...

Страница 38: ... Lever Switches Lever switches are provided on the steering column one on the left lor turn indicators and headlamp functions and one on lhe rig ht for windscEen wiping and washing Turn lndicators Headlamp Flash Dipswitch Irm rdrbatolsr The tum ind icators operate only wilh the ignition switched on Move the lever down to indicate a left hand tum and up for a right turn The switch will be cancelled...

Страница 39: ...stee ng wheel Be aware that non_ esseniial use of lhe horns may be reslficted by local legislation wth whrch d vers should familiarise lhemselves CD audio DVD video operable onlywith ihe parking blake engagedi i pod to i pod video interaction conlrcli MP3 playeri Satellite navigationl lnlegrated microphone for Bluetoolh phone operationi Automatic screen display from the rcvercing camera when the s...

Страница 40: ...n fiom each airflow mode to the t allowing a prcterrcd balance to be atlarned I Face levelvents l Face levelvents and ioollvells y Footwellvents P Footwells and vindscreen Temoerature Control Viitn me rotarylemperature conlrol knob turned tully clockwse to the coldesl position the healer function is fully shui off Air at ambient temperature willbe supplied unless air condilioning is requested see ...

Страница 41: ...Air conditioning will be switched on Press the button a second time to switch off Heated Rear Screen HRS The switch button willlight up amb rwhen the heater clrcuits for the rear screen and door miffors are operating but due to the high currenldemand thistunction requires the ngine to be running The circuits will tum off after the switch is prcssed a second time orihe ignition is switched off or a...

Страница 42: ... Bare feet may in hibit the application of full pressure to the brake pedal and adversely affect your control ofthe car Bare feet could also suffer burns from sun heated metalsufaces in the car 6rllA mrd ll is essentialthat any floor covering in the lootwellis prop erlysecured Loose mats can interfere with the operation of the pedals causing possible loss of control and a crash in which you or oth...

Страница 43: ...BS is used to optimise brake performance in exiEme conditions and reduce the potenlial for anywhe lto lock up Under mosl conditions the maximum brakrng lorce rs provid d by a whsel which is rolating al aboJt 90 of road speed Apad from the hkelihood of increasng lhe slopping distance a locked wheel provides litlle or no steering force such thal with both froniwheels locked movement of lhe stee nq w...

Страница 44: ... available at the tires On dry surfaces activation will occur only with a high pedal pressure On slippery surfaces only a low pedal pressure will be n eded On looie or uneven surfaces such as gravel or snoq a carwith ABs may ne d a longerslopping dlstance allow a grsaler following distance in lhese conditions Hydraulic Brake Assisl HBA Hydrautic Brcke Assist 1s incorpo led into the ABs to help prc...

Страница 45: ...smission in first facing downhill or reverce facing uphill gear and turn the stee ng wheel lo ards the kerb nrrlA rrflflEl t the parklng brake is appli d when the brakes are hot e 9 after prolonged orfrequent hard use special care should be taken to ensurethalthe parking brake is securelyengaged in orderto allow for any potentialbrake force reduction as thediscs cool Failur todoso may result ln th...

Страница 46: ...trol Lotus Traclion Control LTC is a software prcgEmme inle grated within theengin managem ntandABS electrcnicconhol unils ECUS and uses inputs from the wheelspeed sensoF to deiermine ifwheelspin is occuffing lf an oxcossive degrce of wheelspin is detected LTC will modulate fuel injector delivery lhrottle opening and rear brake applicaton in oder to control engine power outpul and spinning wheel i...

Страница 47: ...reiain lhe Sport featu es but wiihout any power induced wheelslip inteNention ln allcases anti lock b akinq willbe retained ralttltGlllNta Be aware that selecting Sport Mode and or LTC OFF will alterthe handling characteristics of the car Drivers shoulcl exercise caulion until Iamiliarity has been gained in a con lrclled safe environment The Sport 4ode switch is located in thefascia paneloulboard ...

Страница 48: ...sircd new speed On release ofthe bulton thatspeed willthen be set Alternatively a single shorl press of either button will incrcase or decrease the setting by 1 mph 1 5 km h lfthe sysiem is not active the car can be driven lo the desircd speed and the set button pressed To disable cruise cantrol To switch off the systemr wilh cruise inactive p ss the on off switch the tell tale lamp will be exlin ...

Страница 49: ...bienltemperatures are below fieez ing allowthe engine and screen heating syslems to warm up for a f w minutes befo driving iv lf the engine fails to start wilhin 15 seconds stop cranking and pause fo 10 seconds before a second attempi v lf further efJoG are u nsuccesstul contact your dealer or seek other expeft help arrrE rllnrd An unaftended car with a running englne is potentially hazardous Turn...

Страница 50: ...ll brake perlo4nancewill te restorcd Both the brake pedal and gearcnange efforls are likely to reduce during the running_in period Iircsj New lires also requke a short unning in period beforc providing oPtimum griP Note that various operating paramelerc are continuously monitorcd and recorded inthe engine electronic contrcller This data may be downloaded by Lotus dealerc on demand in order to assi...

Страница 51: ...the nalurc oithe blend can be detennined as being satistactory Gasoho A mixturc of 10 elhanol gtain alcohol and g0 unleaded gasoline may be used in the Lotus Evora lfdriveabil ily problems are experienced as a resull of using gasohol il is rccommended ihatthe car is operated on gasoline Melharol Do noi use gasolines conlaining methanol wood alcohol Use ofthis type ofalcoholcan resuli in car pedoma...

Страница 52: ...oked onto a tab provided for lhis purpose on ihe hinge ofthe flap To rcnt place the cap inlo the filler neck and turn clockwise until ihe ratchet mechanism clicks several times Push the nap Filling Procedure lnsenthe pump nozle fully inio the neck and ill until the auto shut off mechanism is triggeted Do notatiempt lo brim the tank io the top of the fillet neck as expansion of lhe fueldue 10 tempe...

Страница 53: ...gnilion istumed on a waming willbe displayed on the right hand scrcen in the insaument panel via the vehlcle silhouette graphic To close the tailgate ensure that no persons ot objecis will be trapped before pulling down the panel and pressing firmly over each end of the aerofoilto assure complete engagement of the latch Guard against inadvedently locking the transmilter key in the trunk rAtWEGlllN...

Страница 54: ...ushion or pad to rclease from their fabdc hook and loop fastening and pull the release handle in a direc tion towads the cenlrc ofthe car On closing the tailgale afler an emergency release take extra cate to ensure the tailsate is fully latched Child Entapment lfa child should becometrapped in the rear luggage compad ment an emergency rclease handle isprovided inside the trunk to facilitate their ...

Страница 55: ...ured using threaded fastenerc to permit easy removal lor access lo chassis or powertlain components or to allow sim ple and economic accident rcpair Othet composite mouldings include ihe door shells sills ont body access panel tailgate windscreen fram and Iearbulkhead some panels being bonded lo the aluminium alloychassis or to neighbouring mouldingswith an elastomeric adhesive Several different p...

Страница 56: ...hard standing or under a capod is to be preferred Paintwork Polishtng Eventually some loss of gloss and an accumulation of lrcffic fih w ll occur At this stage after nomal washing the applica tion ota good quality liquid polish willrestore the origjnallustrc ofthe painl film Highergloss of the paiflt finbh and addsd protection against contamination can beobiained bythe use of a wax polish How ever...

Страница 57: ...n indication ofa defecl but Etherthe natutalmaluring of ihe leather Seat Belt Cleaning The seat belts may be sponged with watm water and should be allowed to akdry naturally before use Do nol use chemical cleaners and never attempt lo bleach or dye the webbing Take care to avoid the ingress offoteign bodies intothe buckle mechanism as there is no provasion fot disassembly rAln lrmtir The seal belt...

Страница 58: ...nnino Keep tools hands and clolhing wellaway The Evora is intended for use as a rcad going passenger Vehicle IT IS NOT DESIGNED OR INTENDED FOR USE OFF ROAD INCLUDING ON CLOSED CIRCUITTRACKS OR FOR USE IN ACOMPETITIVE MANNER INCLUDING TI IED LAPS OR RUNS ANY SUCH USE WILL INVALIDATE THE NEW VEHICLE WARRANTY Refet also to ihe separate Waffanty Booklet lJsing the cat on track or in a competitive rna...

Страница 59: ... aware of many hot surfaces includlng the clucting adjacent to the dipstick ibelf Wear appropriate protsctive clothing to Prevent bum injudes Withdraw the dipstick and wipe with a papertowel Replace the dipstick if necessaryfeeding lheflexible stem into lhe tube rctetb xt t Oil fl et cap using the lowel before pressing fimly to ensure thatthe handle is fully seated Withdraw the dipstick again to i...

Страница 60: ...filter is mounted at the right hand fiont of the engine and is accessible only from beneath The filter should be renewed along with the engine oil at inlervals speci fied in ihe Maintenance Schedule atllltGllflfte Se WARNINGS on page 117 The oil lilier housing incoporates a d in p ug to minimise potential oil spillage unscrewlhedrain plug squaresocket from the filterhousing cap and collect the sma...

Страница 61: ...Gllllld SeeWARNINGS on page 117 nreEEE pRoTEcT THE ENVtRoNt rENr Do not po ute d ins water courses orlandwilh oil l se onlyauthofisedwaste collection facilities including civic amenity sites and garages provid ng facilities for disposalofused oiland used oilfillerc lf in doubt contact your local authority for advic on disposal Transmission Oil Thetansmission oilshould be renewed at iniervals speci...

Страница 62: ... llnally removing the cap ln order to maintain protection from freezing damage a d melal coffosion use only an approved coolant mixture see below totop up the header lan k to the full level Refit the cap and iurn clockwise until the tab on the cap engages a detent at which position an abutment ptevents any oveFlightening IEEEE tf tne cap ls removed when he engine is warm the coolant may boil and a...

Страница 63: ...tem may be measured using a hydrometer but in order to ensure thallhe requircd levelof c rrcsion protection is mainiained lhe coolant should be renewed every 4 years For coolant capacity ferlo Recommended Lub cants and Technical Data ItrlftllErl Using an incorrecl coolant mixture may result in ex pensive damage to lhe engine and or other components caused by ov rheating freezing or corrosion effec...

Страница 64: ...eloffluid in the brcke fluid reservoir locaied benealh the front body access hatch Releasethe hatch by pushing down the lever atthe inboard side of both front fooi wells see page 108 The halch may then be lifted fullyopen Wilhout disturbing the filler c p check lhat the level lies be tween the MAX and N llN marks moulded on the translucent reservojr body As the brake pads wear lhe level will drop ...

Страница 65: ...ou and others coulcl be killed orseriously injured See Recommended Lubricants Brake Pads The thickness of the brake pad lining maiedal should be checked at every service and under no ckcumstances be al lowed to fall below 2 5 mm lfthe brakes are in very frequent or aduous use as when d ving in mountainous teffain or on race circuils ll is recommended that lhey be examined morc frcquently Referalso...

Страница 66: ...wed in accodance wjth the l 4ainlenance Schedule wath the gaps set 10 1 0 1 1 mm This operation should be entrusted to your Lotus dealer 15 TIRESAND WHEELS Tlres Glossary of Tems Recommendecl inflation pressur j The cold tire inJlation pres sure which is recommended for this cat and is specified in the Technic l Data secton of this handbook Cold tire inflalion pressurer All tires must be cold mean...

Страница 67: ...ondition is more likelyto occurwith wom tires having little depth ol tread or with incorrcct tke pressures Daiverc should keep a vigilant check on tire wear and condition and moderate thek speed in adverse weather condilions Tire Care Wear indicatorc are moulded into the boitom of the tread grooves at inlervals around the tirc indicaied by smallpointers on the outer tread blocks Thetiresshould be ...

Страница 68: ...n should be paid to the ftting andtensioning instructions supplied with the chains The chains should be removed as soon as road conditions allow r EtrI A h F Etil k b Eln h Gtt h 5 h r n R placement Tires When replacing tires rcfer to the Technical Data section in this handbook or consult your dealerto checklhe curent Lolus specification and rccomm ndations Do not use ties hich have not been appro...

Страница 69: ...peciiied indoorlaboraiorytestwheel Sustained hiqh spe d cruising or a demanding diving style can generate high tire temperatureswhich can causelh materialofthe tke to degenerate and r duce iie life Excessive lemperatu can also result in sudden tire failure Temperaturc grade C is a level of performance which all passenger car tires must meet Grades B and A represent highet levels of pedomance on ih...

Страница 70: ... For satuty reasons the aerosol should be carried only in the designated secure stowage posiiion Never carry loose in lh passenger compartment Directions fot use of the aelosol Beforc using carefully rcad all ihe instructions on the canister or on any literature accompany ing the prcduct The following instructions apply to the use of 1 Remove the object causing the punclute and position the wheel ...

Страница 71: ...ced during factory build to provide optimum performance and prolong tire lifre Scheduled wheel alignment and balancing ar not requited but potholes road d bris and generalwear and lear can resull in suspension geomelry exceeding the service tolerance lf unusualtire wear pulling ofthe car to one side oI the other or shaking of lhe steering wheel is noticed the whe l alignmeni and or balance may nee...

Страница 72: ...SHORT CIRCUITAND FtRE ET ET Eg EI EI EI EI EI Eil lna E EI 4 l EEI ET na HT r F3l Batleries contain sulphuric acid avoid contactwith skin eyes mouth or clothing lf in contact with skin or yes flush rlth copious amounts of waier Remove contami naled clothing Seek immediale medical attenlion It in gested seek immediate medical attention Do not induce vomiting or give tluids to drink Battedea produce...

Страница 73: ...ks and shocks The plastic case is easily damaged by cat less handling Reconnecting the Battery 6r mTtr Failure to follow the correct battery re onnection procedure could result in serious bums Refit the batlery into its compartment wilh the terminals rear most and secure with lhe 2 bolt clamp Remembet to push on the breather pipe if applicable and note the polarity symbols marked on the battery ca...

Страница 74: ...shocks keepinq the battery as upright as possible Beware of the considerable weight of a batlery and take necessary precautions against petsonal injury The recommended bench charqe rate is 4 amps When the battery is tully charced 12 8 volts allow the battery to stand foran hourbeforc refitting to the car and reconnecting the leads I lote Orientation of batteries nay ditrer EvoE fr n JUMP STARTING ...

Страница 75: ...her or current could flow as soon as lhe positive terminals arc connected When the first clamp on each cable is connected the other clamp on ihatcable must be held caretullyto mak sure it does not come into contact with either anoiher cable clamp or elther car Ensure that tools or metal watches or jewellery do nol contact the batlery terminals or electrically live compo FET EFT lEr E11 F Err E t E...

Страница 76: ...adio B 5A Key in relay 2A lgnilion switch 20A D ver s window 7 5A Hazard Turn 3A Inlerior lighting 20A lnt controlmod 3A Footwelllamps 5A LH sidelamps 54 RH sidelamps 15A LH headlamp 15A RH headlamp 15A l 4ain beam Slot Rate Circuit C21 3A lgn services C22 5A ABS C23 3A Homelank C24 3A Brake lamps C25 15A HL powerwash C26 5A Alarm ignition c27 C28 5A HVAC ignition C29 5A Washerjets C30 5A SRS unit...

Страница 77: ...nition coils 2A Re circ pump 5A ECU isnilion Z5A Engine solenoids 5A 02 heaterc 5A Altemalor ign Engine bay fan Boot lamps Fuelfillerflap FI E E aEt Er E T E aFr lEr H E ET ET El E A EI EI Slot Rate Circuit R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 R11 7 5A R12 3A R13 R14 10A R15 3A R16 10A R17 20A R18 5A R19 10A R2O 5A IVR1 30A Crank main rly 4R2 30A Busbar R17 R20 2A Black 5A Onnge 15A Light blue 3A Violet...

Страница 78: ...l with ihe two headlamp units using the sight bar ot similar device dependent on the machine design to ensure cross car match lJse the guides provided on lhe machine to ensure the correct height and 2 Switch on the headlamp low alignment of the beam which O so a and 2 t A ERI FI lF il E l lEt ET ItrI ET H EI IEI EI Eil EI Ern c ET EET LH haadlamp shown beams and check the vertical must lie wilhin ...

Страница 79: ... 000 volts to the bumer although the power consumption is only 35 Watts A bottom pivoted flap is used to mask the upper palt ofihe lighl beam i e lower parl in tront of ihe lamp prior to beam inversion by the aspheric lens and allow a single lighl source to provide both main and dip beams arrrtGtllll The high voltages produced by the headlamp ballast unit could causean electric shock Ensure the ba...

Страница 80: ... oflightemitting diodes LEDS loroptimum visibility The lamp is a sealed unitwith no replaceable bulbs and may be replaced complete after releasing the two retaining screws and unplugging the hamess connector Side Rspeater Lamps The side repealer lamps are mounled in the front clamshell behind each wheelarch and use dulable light emitting diodes LEDS The lamps are seruiceable only by compleie repla...

Страница 81: ... festoon bulb lnte ior Lamp To withdraw lhe interior lamp from lhe rear of the rooflrim panel fircl ease one end of the lamp from ats aperturo With draw the lamp sufficiently to allow access to the fesloon bulb if necessary unplugging the harness connector Side MaJker Lamps The side marker lamps arc mounted ahead of and behind each wheelarch and use durable light emitting diodes LEDS The lamps a s...

Страница 82: ...r damage to the car may be caused or you could be killed or seriously injured Ensure lhat the key is used to unlock the st ering col umn and is then left ln the lock Never withdraw the key lntilthe car is stationary The steerlng column will lock when the key is withdrawn ttrLl f I Before being towed Release lhe parking brake and ensure lhat the ltansmission is in neutral Comply with all local legi...

Страница 83: ...could be seriolsly injured orkilled NEVER get under a car when it is supported only by a jack Before ralslng the carwlth ajack Turn otrthe engine Firmly apply the parking brake Engage filst or rcv lse gear Securely chock allwheels not io be lifted Use only those lilting points identified below Jacking on any part of the body or with a jack improperly posi tioned may damage the chassis or body stru...

Страница 84: ...orc installing any accessoryi Ensurethe accessorydoes not obscure any lights orinterferc wilh p oper vehicle operalion or performance Ensure elecironic accessories do no1 overload electrical circuits Havelhe inslallerconlact a Lotus dealerforassistance before installing any electronic accessory lf possible have your Lotus dealer inspecl the fnat instatta lion lmportant Safety lnformatlon Aboul Mod...

Страница 85: ... E il sril n D I T 19 RECOMMENDED LUBRICAN S Engine In order to promote longevity and reliability strict adherence to the specified lub cants is vilal ll is a false economy io use cheaper lower qualityoils which maydegenerate to a level pro viding inadequate protection before the next scheduled service High oil consumption may also result For topping up purposes duing the runnitg jn period prior l...

Страница 86: ...r 3 0 bar 43 5 psi Quallty Standard Capacity Oilchange interual Brake Clutch System Fluid typel Specificationl Capacity brake clutch Fluid change interval Fluid type Specificationl Capacity Fluid change interval Engine Coolant Acldillve Only approved prcduct Tvpe Colour Concentration Ouantity rcqd 50 Coolant change inte al Winler Tyres Type Size Prcssurc cold Yokohama Wddve V 902 215140 R18 245t35...

Страница 87: ...4X ET Itrr E GT iltl efl d 6t It idladen ride heisht 2 x 75 kg occupants fullfuel lank set carto this height belore measuring geomeiryi front 125 mm below front end ofchassis side il rear 147 mm below rear end ofchassis sidsrail WatL 35 16 5 10 5 t lidtaden ride heighl 2 x 75 kg occupants tullfueltank set carlo this heiqht before measu ng geometry Note thatother lamps are likelyio be long life LED...

Страница 88: ... gear Brakes Brake discs Disc size front Calliperc Operation Parking brake Fmni and rear casl kon discs with curyed vane ventilalion optional crossirilling 350 x 32 mm 332 x 26 mm with 185 mm dia parking drum AP Racang aluminium alloy body 4 pistons in opposed pairs Tand m mastor cylinder wilh dual diaphraqm vacuum servo ANdABS Cable operated rear drums FI E H H H ET FT Eil FilI E ltt E il FI Elil...

Страница 89: ...at 109 BrakeFluidReservok 127 Blake Pads 128 Bulb Repjacement 157 Central Door Locking 30 ChildRestraints 44 Cleaning bodycare 110 Climate interior 78 C1ock time 65 CoolantTemperatureDisplay _67 CoolingSystem 122 Cruise Control 93 Daytime Running Lamps DRL 71 Dipswiich 74 Door Tai19ateOpenDisp1ay 70 ElectronicBrakeDistributaon EBD 87 Electronic Differential Lock EDL _ 87 Electronic Stabilily Progr...

Страница 90: ...Air Temperaturc Disp ay 65 TieDown carsecuring 153 TowingEye recovery 162 Track Competilion Use 14 Traction Control Lotus LTC 91 Trip Recorder 66 Tum lndicalors Switch 74 Tires 131 TireChains 134 Tirc Eme eflcy lnflator Aerosol 138 Tire Pressure Monitoring System TPMS 68 Vehicl ldefltif cation 20 Ventilation enginebay 81 Warning T ll Tale Lamps 55 Waftanty s e s parate Warranty booklet Washer Rese...

Страница 91: ...quancy codes of most clrenl remote contrcls used io activate garage doors proporty gates s curily systems and homc or ofirl lighting For more information phone the Homelink Holline on 0C8000 466 354 65 or 49 6838 907 Zfl or refer to www eurchomelink com F GnIITI When programnrl g the llomelink sysEm to a gate oJ garage door opener prevent potontlal lnjury to persons or damage to prcporty by ensurh...

Страница 92: ...ion 1 Locateth6tra ning butlon progrcmming button onthe gatoor garage door opener motorhead unit The location and colour ofthe butlon willvary accordinq to the device manuiacturcr Refer also to the manufacturels instructions Training ad dilional remote contmls 2 Press the lraining butlon on the device which will usually activate an associated light Note You now have typically 30seconds in which to...

Страница 93: ...etermine the Softw re Revlslon ol your Homelink press and hold 6ilh rbutton lor lllinol both for aboul100 seconds atwhich pointthe LED willstop flashinq and tum ofi Continue to holdth button p essed unlilthe LED begins flashing the revision veFion number Forexample seven flashes would mean Rev sio 20 2 To delermine the Regrbr Code slatus of your Homelink press and hold butlon 1l ior about 100 seco...
