Quick Start Guide
The configuration menus show the channels and configuration options
available for the type of node being used.
This example uses a K type thermocouple.
Figure 13 - Node Configuration Menu
1. From the Wireless Node Configuration Menu > Transducer Type, select
Thermocouple > Sensor Type, select K type.
Figure 14 - Temperature Sensor Configuration
2. Under Low Pass Filter, select 12.66 Hz
Figure 15 - Low Pass Filter Configuration
3. Select Apply Configuration to write to node memory.
If the node was successfully added, two confirmation messages will appear
and it will be listed under the Base Station.
Figure 11 - Add Node Confirmation
If the node failed to be added, a failure message will appear. This means
the node did not respond to the base station which could indicate the node
is not in idle mode or it may be on another frequency. If “Add Node Anyway”
is selected, it will associate that node with the channel entered but it is likely
there will be a communication error. If the node was not in idle, move the base
station to the frequency of the node and issue a “Set to Idle” command.
Figure 12 - Failure to Add Node
Configure Node
Node settings are stored to non-volatile memory and may be configured using
SensorConnect. To access the node configuration menu, under Devices select
the node and then the Configure tile.