MPC Club Reviews 2010
Before you make the wrong assumptions, Apple is supported and so is FTP
among other services like NFS. The specification list includes SMB, FTP,
SFTP, SSH, Telnet, VPN, HTTP, MySQL and regular printer sharing. The only
question there is, is where are they?
Here we go again being happy the MeeBox supports both “basic interface”
and “advanced” interface… and switching between both reveals where all
the goodies are located.
We get user and group management, share folder management, apps and
service management on top of the basic settings we’ve seen before… The
user management allows a quota to be set to every user separately so you
can define how much space any user is allowed to consume on the MeeBox.
The user creation is a three step wizard where the first step is entering the
username and pa quota, second step is selecting which groups the
user belongs to…
… and last step is defining which folders the user is allowed to access, both
read and write modes can be defined by a click of the button. It doesn’t get
any simpler really…
Group configuration is as simple too… You enter a name and next you get to
select which users belong to this group… We quickly created our own
account and create a multimedia group adding ourselves as a member in
under 15 seconds…