Network SSID
It is the wireless network name. User can use the default SSID or change it.
Enable Wireless
Disable SSID Broadcasting
Enable Isolated
Enable Wireless Option
SSID will be hidden, only users who know the SSID can associate with this network.
User cannot Ping.
Radio Mode
Select the Mode of 5G 11NA HT20 or 5G 11NA HT40
“Auto” option selects the mode by itself.
Select the wireless communication frequency/channel from pull-down menu.
Data Rate
Defines the data rate (in Mbps) at which the device should transmit wireless packets.
You can fix a specific data rate between MCS 0 and MCS 7 (or MCS 15 for 2x2 chain
Transmit Power
Defines the maximum average transmit output power (in dBm) of the device. The
transmit power level maximum is limited according to country regulations.
Transmit Distance
Changing the distance value will change the ACK (Acknowledgement) timeout value
accordingly, so it means the distance should be set as real distance between LP-
2596K and other device for accurate transmission performance.
Time Division Multiple Access. Enable/Disable the function to access.
Save and Restart
It saves the new settings and restarts.