least 30 days’ notice prior to billing.
Term & Termination.
Purchaser has the option of purchasing Monthly or Annual service plans which
are non-refundable and not available for proration except as required by law. Monthly agreements will
auto-renew on a month-to-month basis until such time that a formal termination notice has been received
by LRS. Prepaid Annual agreements will automatically renew at the end of each annual term unless Pur-
chaser has given cancellation notice 30 days in advance of renewal term. Monthly-billed Annual agreements
will auto-renew on a perpetual month-to-month basis upon completion of the initial annual term until can-
cellation notice is received by LRS. In the event that any agreement incorporating these General Terms and
Conditions is terminated for any reason, all of the duties and obligations that the agreement and these Gen-
eral Terms and Conditions impose upon Purchaser shall continue in full force and effect, except any obliga-
tion to make payment for a Deliverable prior to its delivery.
Long Range Systems
14 T9560 EZ User Manual