RS232, RS422
plug-in option
plug-in option
Al arm relays.
Depending on
the option, there
will be none, 2 or
4 relays fitted.
Upper option board
Main board
How to install option boards
Where the product is intended for “UL” installations
removal or addition of option boards is not permitted.
power before you expose
the rear of the meter
If you want to open your meter to install or modify option boards, follow these steps...
Switch off power to the meter and unplug all connectors.
Unclip the front bezel. This is easier if you squeeze the top and bottom of
the case, near the front.
Remove the small screws shown in the diagram. If the meter doesn’t yet
have an output option board, the top screw may not yet be fitted.
Slide the electronic boards out throught the front of the case. You can easily
separate the upper option board from the
main board. We strongly suggest that you
use anti-static precautions to prevent
damage to the semiconductors.
The board assemblies will look something like this...
The analogue output and RS232 or RS422 plug-in option boards are fixed to the upper option
board with white plastic pillars. You must apply a firm force when fitting or removing these
Always be careful to connect the pins to sockets accurately. When reassembling, make sure
option boards are firmly fixed to the upper option board. When the boards are replaced in the
case, secure them again with the two small black screws.
Real Time
Clock option
Input board