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MX Anywhere 2S Wireless Mouse
We've put everything you need to get started with your MX Anywhere 2S Wireless
Mouse right here. If you still have questions browse the topics on the left.
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Step One
Step Two
Turn your mouse on.
Step Three
This mouse allows you to use it with up to three di erent computers. Just use the Easy-Switch™ button to change the channel. Select the channel you want and go to
the next step.
Step Four
To connect your mouse to your computer press the Easy-Switch™ button for 3 seconds. When it blinks fast it means it's in discoverable mode.
Step Five
Choose if you want to pair with Bluetooth (/article/Connect-your-Logitech-Bluetooth-device) or with the provided Unifying (/article/Connect-your-device-to-a-
Logitech-USB-receiver) receiver.
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