LOCK Inspection Sytems LTD MET 30 Plus Скачать руководство пользователя страница 32

Содержание MET 30 Plus

Страница 1: ...N t3 i MET 30 MetalDetectors OperatingManual INSPECTION SYSTEMS LTD...

Страница 2: ...3I 1 LockInspection Systems MET30 Operatirg Manual Software Version 1 xx O 2001LOCKInspection Systems Ltd LockHouse NevilleStreet Oldham Lancs OL96LF Tel01616240333 Fax01615245181 REF Q875 0019 issue...

Страница 3: ...Supervisor Menu 5 5 Engineers Menu 6 OPERATION CHART 7 TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE 7 1 FalseTriggering PoorSensitivity 7 2 Failsto detecttestsample 7 3 Detects sampleanddoesnotfalsetrigger 7 4 Detects samp...

Страница 4: ...f 0 3 FactoryTestSetup 10 4 Fahe Triggering 10 5 Metal FreeZone 70 6 Noise 10 7 Product Effect 10 8 productGuide f 0 9 Sensitivity 10 10 Skidptate 10 I1 Systemchek 10 12 TestSample 10 t3 Trigger 44 4...

Страница 5: ......

Страница 6: ...SAFETY 2 1 Health and Safetyat Work etc Act ThePurchaser shallcomply withtheinstructions andinformation ofthismanual and it is stronglyadvisedthat all personnel associated with this equipment be made...

Страница 7: ...etailsof howto set up the yste m ior a particular product including detection parameters andtimeriypu Usingthe software A complete reference tothesoftware Every option inthesoftware isdescribed Operat...

Страница 8: ...houldlooksimilarto that shownbelow Figure Detectordisplayand keypad Thedisplayhastwolinesof 20 characters andafterpoweron or reset thetop line showsthe currentproductnameand the bottomline showsa barg...

Страница 9: ...witchin the powersupplyto activatethe rejectmechanism lf this is detected by the metaldetector i e the bargraph showssolidcircles thenconsult thetrouble shooting guide Withthe conveyor running passthe...

Страница 10: ...larly watches ringsetc PressS Hlgm thedisplay should show lnitialising for Keeppassing product untilthedisplay showssomething similar to H 60 G 15 P 0 0 T 120o o PressS Eiffi to return tothedisplay sh...

Страница 11: ...igure systemand R Adjustreject timer Totellthedetector aboutthesystem connected to it enable therelevant timerinputs and adjusttheirpolarities according to the instructions in the subsection entitled...

Страница 12: ...hanged by adjusting the rejecttime lf thereare manytriggers the rejectrelaywillbe activated afterthe correctdelay for eachtrigger Foran immediate reject setthedelaytimeto 0 01 4 4 2 SynchronisingPhoto...

Страница 13: ...tethenreduce thephotocelltime andviceversa Oncethe rejectand photocell delaytimeshavebeenset up the delayand alarm timesneedsetting lf thesetimesare not correctthen good packspreceding or following th...

Страница 14: ...ng theffiorffikeys willcycle thedisplay through theproduct setup status and back tothebargraph None oftheinformation canbemodified atthislevel Pressing theffikeywillfirstshow a screen showing therejec...

Страница 15: ...asured during auto setup were50andthetolerance 120o o thenthevalueof widthusedfordetection anddisplayed in thescreenabove wouldbe50 1201100 69 By simultaneously prgssing t and key sthefollowing the en...

Страница 16: ...ingusedalltimervaluesapartfromrejecttimewillbe displayed as a numberof tachopulses pul lf the systemhasno photocell thenphotocell delay timeandalarmtimehavenomeaning sotheywilrnotbedisplayed Thewaytim...

Страница 17: ...Even O Odd M Mark always 1 S Space always0 The nexttwo digitsspecifythe numberof databitsandstopbitsrespectively Afterthis is a indicating no handshaking Following thisis eitherRS232or RS485showing t...

Страница 18: ...tterflashingthenthe S ffm keyto selectit 5 3 1 Test This optionallowsa testof the metaldetection sensitivity to be done Firstlythe software asksfora PIN personal identification number EnterPINnumber 1...

Страница 19: ...rint Pressingtn ffiffi key stopsthe print out The reportCin be re printedby selecting the Print option again Noreports canbecleared fromthismenu 5 3 4 Exit Select thisto return tothenormal running dis...

Страница 20: ...ffi to confirm theselection New product Adiust oldproduct 5 4 5 1 NewProduct 5 4 5 2 AdjustOldProduct lf Adjust oldproduct isselected scrollthrough thelistof products andselectonein thesamewayasthe Pr...

Страница 21: ...ended thatthetolerance is notadjusted by pressingS Affi Beforeproceeding to automaticsetup make sure that the conveyoris running a1d pggduct is passing throughthe apertureor readyto be passed As soona...

Страница 22: ...isplays theeditsub menu EWHPGx Editproduct name Thisallows thenameandparameters ofthecurrent product to bealtered Theletters havethefollowing meanings E Editproduct name W Product width H Product heig...

Страница 23: ...tis large thegainwillbe reduced 5 4 6 5 Exit x Selecting the x option returns tothesupervisor menu 5 4 7 DeleteProduct D Onentering thisoption youwillbeasked whichproduct setupto erase raseproduct 1 W...

Страница 24: ...codgto bechanged theil andigjkeysselecteach number andtheffi keysetsit Thenewcod6willoveiwrite the oloon 5 4 10 Supervisor s Code s Thisworksinexactly thesamewayasthe operator s code above 5 4 11 Engi...

Страница 25: ...led if the detector detects a consistent phasedifference fromitscurrent setup itwillautomatically learn thenewproduct phase angle 5 5 3 Tracking T The secondtype of producteffectcompensation is called...

Страница 26: ...eys alterthevalues 5 5 7 Communications Setup C Onselecting this a sub menu isdisplayed A PortB Detld Exit Options1 allowscommunication parameters to be changed for PortA Firstly the baudrateneedsto b...

Страница 27: ...ore _ indicates an active low input whilea dash indicates an active high input Activehighor lowshouldbe chosensuchthatthe usual valueoftheinput asshown bythe0 or 1 islow 0 andwhenthephotocell is block...

Страница 28: ...lgY_ F_9 a binfull sensorthe activetimemightbe a coupleof seconds press S E_EjHPr whenthecorrect timehasbeenchosen Finally ch _gg g ich outputrelayto drive Usethe fi and t eys to changethe relayand St...

Страница 29: ...e Printing disabled i e Noprinter output Print ondemand i e printer output whenselected fromthemenu Printonevent i e prints whena reject orsetupisdone Whgna printout is selectgqlgly e of printer isask...

Страница 30: ...Counts S Setupproduct lEl Editproduct D Delete product c Clockset o Operator code s Supervisor code e Engineering setup tll Lockengineering x Exit Engineering displays Version etc ShowADCvalues Showpo...

Страница 31: ...ctthe signalfromtheproduct lf necessary reducesensitivity to reduce false triggering or increase it to allowsmaller metalsamples to be seen Notethat someproduct effects makecertain metalsamples imposs...

Страница 32: ...The operation of the sampletest reminder facilityis shownin Section8 4 This showsthemessages givenonthedetecto s display thelightsonthetower iffitted the stateof the detector andtheevents operator act...

Страница 33: ...nd the displayshows Testpassed i1 ffiffi t Re startingthe belt and pressing ffi enablesnormal operationto be completed 8 2 Recommendedaction on failing test lf the standardtest sampleis not detected t...

Страница 34: ...sptay canthenbeadjusted togivethetimeinminutes ofthesample testreminder delay test 0120 is nowset up to be testedal 120minuteintervals from Therefore the machine powering up tttt 0 60 120 180 240 SWIT...

Страница 35: ...oph Normol ooerotion Somple test time elopses SAMPLETESTDUE SELECT 20 minutes elopsed Do somple test SELECT SELECT pressed Enter P l N belt stopped Stort belt P l N number entered Poss test somole I w...

Страница 36: ...beensetupinthedetector Thereisa rejectreportforeveryproduct inwhichmetalisdetected Thisreportgives thetimeof thedetection theproduct beingtestedandthe sizeandphaseangleof thesignal detected The metald...

Страница 37: ...11 968 10 08PRODUCT A S 21P 2 1 26 11 968 14 21PRODUCT A S 24P 3 4 26 11 96 8 18 27 PRODUCTA S 21P2 1 26 11 968 26 50PRODUCT A S 75P 78 5 26 11 968 28 17PRODUCT A S 24P 0 2 26 11 968 56 35 teststarted...

Страница 38: ...PressSffi iftheprinteris connected andswitched on 9 1 2 2 Supervisor s Menu Moving thecursor to R onthesupervisor s menuwillresultina display asfollows TPRCSEDcoselx Print Selecting Printreport willre...

Страница 39: ...ecursor tothe C option which willresult inthefollowing display Pressing results inthefollowing display Clear counts Reset reject and Product counts No The iS key should be Sressedto give the message R...

Страница 40: ...1 00s 1 00s 1 00s 0 50s 2 PRODUCT A 15 110 20 95 0 1 60s 0 32s 0 36s 0 50s 3 B 15 1 2 58 4 1 00s 1 00s 1 00s 0 50s Endofproducfseffings 26 11 968 00 15PRODUCT A S 25P 2 1 26 11 968 03 23PRODUCT A S 7...

Страница 41: ...eneachtimea product issetup Format time stamp Product setup Product number Product name 9 2 2 3 ProductSelected A reportisgiveneachtimea product isselected Format time stamp Product selected Product n...

Страница 42: ...s followed bya rejectreport forthetestsample Format time stamp testpassed 9 2 3 4 TestFailed lf thetestsampleis notdetected withing seconds of thesampleteststart a failure report isgiven Format time s...

Страница 43: ...NoRejectintoBin The systemrejectcheckis enabled andthe photocell has not detected a product entering therejectbinwithinthedelayspecified Format time stamp Fault NOREJECT INTOBIN 9 2 4 5 AuxiliaryInpu...

Страница 44: ...00 baud N parity I I databits 1 l stopbit Fixed H Handshaking Some records maybelostifnotset RS232 9 3 2 PrinterSetup Select Printing on Demand or Printing onEvent asrequired Select80colfortheEpson pr...

Страница 45: ...PART No 0638 0 l01 J RTS CT5 Nt NI TX RX OV PRTNTER RS232 srRtnL rruput 7 FI6 1 PRINTER CABLEFOREPSON LX OOO6 8 0015 7 r 4 6 F 7 ocrrorar scnrel rP67 s0 KET6 L0cK 0610 0004 e wAY D PLU6 D L0tKPARINo 0...

Страница 46: ...sthesample butfalsetriggers thentheenvironment is noisier seenoisebelow thanwhenthe detector wasinitially setup 10 4 FalseTriggering False triggering iswhenthedetector indicates thatit hasseenmetal wh...

Страница 47: ...ftware by changing product width and sometimes height Forfurtherinformation lookup product width and product height intheindex 10 10Skid Plate Liesbetween the bottom oftheaperture andtheupperpathof th...
