This screen shows a summary of the current round. You can see all the punches
as a bar graph and scroll through them all by using the scroll bar at the bottom
of the graph. And a summary of the round is shown with the Peak Punch Force,
the Average Punch Force, Number of Punches and Punches per minute.
In addition, a leaderboard can be seen to the right that shows the top
performers in each category. You can use the drop-down menu to select the
parameter by which you want to view the leaders.
If you want to save this session, click on Save button. You can use this saved
information to compare with other rounds later using the Compare button.
If you don’t want to save, click on Close button and return to previous screen. If
you want to start a new round, click on New Round button.
If you click on any button without saving, the data from the current round will be
discarded and the round number will stay the same.