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Form: CA 068
August 01, 2005
R:\Quality\Calibration Instructions\CA 097 200s or sb to LMI 585 Plus.doc
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If you are using the 200-SB with the 235/236 seal gap blocks, you will want to CAL MASTER on
the LO step of the Master Block and put in the proper offset in the ADVANCED SETUP>PORT
CONFIG>Port1a menu. The offset should be set to the 235/236 minimum gap check (10.0mm typ.).
A 200-SF Probe has 22.0mm of travel so the CALSPAN needs to be changed from the default
10.00 to 22.00mm. Go to the ADVANCED SETUP>PORT CONFIG>Port1a menu to adjust the
CALSPAN to 22.00mm. The 210 Master Block will also be replaced with the 214 Master Block
with a 54.0mm Master.
To reverse the signs, go to the main menu. Go to Advanced setups and hit <SELECT>. Go to Ports
Polarity. Press <SELECT>. Choose the port you are using and press <SELECT>…the port readings
will change to “Inverted”