Livox Avia
Quick Start Guide
Livox accepts no liability for damage, injury, or any legal responsibility incurred directly
or indirectly from the use of this product. The user shall observe safe and lawful practices
including, but not limited to, those set forth in these safety guidelines. You shall be solely
responsible for all your behavior when using this product.
1. Be careful when using Livox Avia in conditions with low visibility such as foggy or stormy
weather. In such conditions, the detection range may be reduced.
2. DO NOT touch the optical window of the Livox Avia. Dust and stains on the optical window
can negatively affect the performance. Use compressed air, isopropyl alcohol, or a lens
cloth to clean the optical window correctly. Refer to the Livox Avia User Manual for more
information on how to clean optical windows.
3. When customizing Livox Avia power cables, make sure the current-carrying capacity of the
cable can support the power requirement of the Livox Avia. Otherwise, the product may
become a fire hazard or be damaged permanently.
4. In order to avoid electric shocks or radiation exposure, DO NOT disassemble the Livox
Avia. If an accessory or product part needs to be replaced, contact Livox for support.
5. The Livox Avia is classified as a Class 1 Laser Product (IEC/EN 60825-1: 2014) and is safe
under all normal conditions of use.
6. Liquid damage is not covered under warranty.
7. DO NOT drop the Livox Avia.
8. The Livox Avia Quick Start Guide contains important information. Make sure to read before
using for the first time and keep for reference.
The Livox Avia is a highly reliable and lightweight LiDAR sensor that features a high detection
distance, high precision, and wide field-of-view (FOV). It can be used for a wide range of
applications such as robotics, mapping, and vehicle-to-everything (V2X).
High Detection Range:
The Avia has significantly optimized the detection range of low
reflectivity objects (e.g., rebar, concrete, rock, or soil) by 70%.
Light Weight:
The compact and portable Avia weighs just 498 g, making it suitable for drone
mapping and small robots.
Triple Return:
Customized firmware supports up to triple return in mapping so as to better
meet the needs of forestry mapping.
Alternative Scanning Patterns:
The Avia supports both non-repetitive and repetitive
scanning patterns. Non-repetitive scanning technology is used to improve the static scanning
effect and the effect for the vertical plane during on-the-fly mapping. Repetitive scanning
technology is used for better density uniformity of point cloud data.
Livox SDK:
Users can check the real-time point cloud data using Livox Viewer. A software
development kit (SDK) is provided to help develop customizable applications using the point
cloud data acquired.