1. Run flexible tubing or pipe from evaporator drain into one of
the three pump inlets. Be sure inlet piping is sloped downward
to allow gravity flow (Figure 4). Extend the inlet piping into the
tank from 1 to 3 inches to ensure that it will not interfere with
proper float operation. Be sure that the inlet piping is cut at an
angle where it enters the tank.
2. The outlet piping should be flexible tubing secured with a hose
clamp (not provided) or pipe (3/8 inch I.D. maximum to prevent
excessive flow back to unit). From condensate unit, extend
discharge piping straight up as high as necessary. Do not
extend this line above the head/GPH of the particular model
being installed. From this high point, slope discharge line down
slightly to a point above drain area; then turn down and extend
to a point below or approximately level with the bottom of the
condensate unit. This will give a siphoning effect which will
improve efficiency of the condensate unit and will, in most
cases, eliminate the need for a check valve (Figure 5). If it is
not possible to slope discharge line down, make an inverted
“U” trap directly above the pump at the highest point.
1. Make certain that the unit is disconnected from the power
source before attempting to service or remove any component!
2. Be sure the floats move freely. Clean as necessary (Figure 6).
3. Clean the tank with warm water and mild soap.
4. Check the inlet and outlet piping. Clean as necessary. Be sure
there are no kinks in the line that would inhibit flow.
1. Turn on power.
2. Remove motor/tank cover assembly and hold level.
3. Test motor switch by raising motor switch float with finger
(Figure 6). Motor should turn on just before float contacts cover.
4. Test safety switch by raising safety switch float with finger.
Safety switch should activate before float contacts cover.
5. Replace motor/tank cover assembly on tank.
This pump is suitable for gas furnace condensate applications.
Caution must be taken to ensure acidity of condensate does not
increase below the average pH of 3.4 (to prevent localized pocket
of acid that acts like a battery causing pitting) by routinely cleaning
or flushing tank with fresh water.
Votre pompe a condensats Little Giant est concue comme une
unite automatique d’evacuation des condensats. Elle evacue l’eau
condensee egouttant de la volute de l’evaporateur d’un systeme
de climatisation. La pomp est actionee par un mechisme flotteur/
interrupteur lequel entraine le demarrage dela pompe oorsque
environ 2 po 1/4 d’eau s’accumule dans le reservoir. La pompe
s’arrete automatiquement lorsqu’il ne reste plus qu’environ 1 po
1/4 d’eau.
Votre nouvelle pompe Little Giant a été fabriquée avec les meilleurs
matériaux et avec le plus grand soin. Elle a été conçue pour
foncionner bien et longtemps.
Les pompes Little Giant sont soigneusement emballées, et testées
pour assurer une livraison et un fonctionnement sans problèmes.
Lorsque vous recevez votre pompe, examinez-la attentivement
pour vous assurer qu il n y a pas eu de pièce cassée ou endom-
magée pendant l acheminement. S il y a eu des dégats, prenez-en
note et signalez-le au magasin où vous avez acheté la pompe. Ils
Figure 3.
Figure 4.
Figure 5.
Figure 6.