Lisun Electronics Inc. [email protected] www.Lisungroup.com
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Chapter 6 Installation Instruction & Operating
6.1 Installation Instruction
Determine the input voltage before using the power source.
Turn the voltage knob to the minimum voltage, i.e. rotate it counterclockwise to
the minimum position.
Before connection to the power source, turn all switches to OFF to make sure
the device has no possible damage.
The power source can only be connected when the device specification exactly
match that of the power source system.
6.2 Operating Instruction
Check whether control switches, knobs and displays are fine before using them.
Turn the power switch to the OFF position firstly.
Please determine again whether the input voltage is correct before connection
to the power supply, to make sure the equipment is safe.
Internal AC contactor of the power supply picks up about 3 to 5 seconds after
powering on. Press the Start button, and the output LED will light, indicating
there is output voltage from power supply. Press again the Start button, and the
output LED will be off, indicating there is no output voltage from the power
Output Frequency Adjustment: you can turn the frequency selector to any
position without powering on/off. The frequency indicated at fixed position is
output frequency. To slightly adjust frequency, it is necessary to turn the fixed
position to the rightmost and then adjust the spin button.
For example: To get the frequency of 52Hz, please firstly turn the selector to the
VAR position, and then adjust the spin button until 52Hz appears on the display.
Nominal Voltage Adjustment: Turn the tri-position voltage selector to the Middle
position, and then rotate the cross-type spin button on the right to get the
desired voltage.
Connect the load to the terminal block, and press the Start button, and the
output LED will light. In this way, you can easily get all values displayed on the
functional display.
Notice (I): Over current, over load, over heat and short circuit protective
devices are supplied with this machine. In case of over current, over load, over
heat or short circuit, the protective circuit will immediately cut off the power and
the buzzer will sound alarm. At this time, please firstly turn the load off, and
then press the button Reset. The power supply begins providing the power after
the alarm stops. Check the load conditions, and then turn the load on after
determining there is no exception.
Notice (II): Warning! If it is necessary to make 220V/110V conversion (inside