Shenzhen Linshang Technology Co.,Ltd.
17-8-2016 2 /3
with both infrared lamps lit up and the temperature in left and right test boxes climbing up.
The test will end after one minute. At that time, the infrared lamps go out, and the
temperature values obtained from the test are displayed respectively on the temperature
LEDs in left and right test boxes and remain unchanged.
Press the button "Reset/test" again to release the data-hold. The "Temperature" LED
flashes and the data in flashing is the actual temperature in the current test box.
The data of the heat rejection rate will be always held after the temperature test begins
and can be held off by resetting. The new measurement can be undertaken only after
releasing the data-hold.
III: Temperature comparison test
Two independent infrared lamps and temperature probes are available for LS301,
which enable the temperature comparison test to measure heat-insulating property of two
different film mounting glasses. See the followings for test procedures:
1. Place two samples respectively into text boxes in left and right sides of LS301.
2. Press "Reset/test" to light up two infrared lamps and start the test. The temperature in
left and right boxes begins to climb up.
3. The test ends after one minute. Then, the infrared lamps go out, and the temperature
values obtained from the test are displayed respectively on the temperature LEDs in
left and right test boxes. Such values remain unchanged and cannot be reset until
the button "Rest/test" is pressed.
The temperature difference in left and right boxes manifests different thermal
properties between two samples.