Rate: The LFO’s Rate control functions differently depending upon whether or
not a MIDI Controller Source (see below) is selected. If a MIDI Controller
Source is not currently selected then the Rate control sets a default oscillator
frequency for the LFO. When a MIDI controller is selected as a Controller
Source the Rate control sets a minimum rate for the LFO. In this case, the
maximum LFO Rate is set by the combined values of the Rate and the CTD
(Controller Depth) controls.
Pitch: The LFO’s Pitch control is used to set the maximum depth to which
SaxLab’s overall pitch is modulated by the LFO. This can be used to create
vibrato effects.
AMP (Amplitude): The LFO’s AMP (Amplitude) control is used to set the
maximum depth to which SaxLab’s overall amplitude is modulated by the
LFO. This can be used to create tremolo effects.
CTD (Controller Depth): The CTD (Controller Depth) control sets the degree
to which the currently selected MIDI controller (see below) affects the LFO’s
settings. Note that the setting of this control can also influence the LFO rate.
Controller Source: Three MIDI controllers are available for modulating the
LFO’s various parameters. These are: AT (Aftertouch), PW (Pitch Wheel) and
MW (Modulation Wheel). Each works in a slightly different way. Note that only
one controller can be selected at a time.
AT (Aftertouch) increases the LFO’s modulation frequency starting from the
current value of the Rate control up to the combined values of the Rate and
CTD (Controller Depth) controls using MIDI Aftertouch messages. The
maximum available rate is set by a combination of the LFO Rate setting and
the CTD (Controller Depth) setting. Note that Aftertouch can only increase the
LFO rate from the value set in the Rate parameter. It cannot be used to
decrease the LFO rate below the setting of the Rate control.
PW (Pitch Wheel) increases the LFO’s modulation frequency starting from the
current value of the Rate control up to the combined values of the Rate and
CTD (Controller Depth) controls using Pitch Bend Control Change messages.
The maximum available rate is set by a combination of the LFO Rate setting
and the CTD (Controller Depth) setting. Note that the Pitch Bend setting can
only increase the LFO rate from the value set in the Rate parameter. It cannot
be used to decrease the LFO rate below the setting of the Rate control. Also
note that the PW (Pitch Wheel) operates from its default “central” position to
its maximum value. The lower half of its range has no effect on the LFO rate
(but it still affects the instrument's pitch, which is useful since saxophones
usually bend to lower pitches).
MW (Modulation Wheel) increases the LFO’s modulation frequency starting
from the current value of the Rate control up to the combined values of the
Rate and CTD (Controller Depth) controls using Modulation Wheel Control
Change messages. The maximum available rate is set by a combination of
the LFO Rate setting and the CTD (Controller Depth) setting. Note that the
Modulation Wheel setting can only increase the LFO rate starting from the
value set in the Rate parameter. It cannot be used to decrease the LFO rate
below the setting of the Rate control. However, if the MW (Modulation Wheel)
is set to zero, then the Pitch and AMP values will be scaled to zero, effectively
LinPlug SaxLab User Guide 2.0.3