After configuring your iTrixx server, you can configure triggers to activate the different features of your device. Trigger syntax
consists of 3 variables: a source (what activates the trigger), a value (the required condition of the source), and the target (what
to do). Continue reading for a description of each variable. Each variable is separated by a comma.
The Trigger command configures different types of triggers and their actions. This command also produces handy `triggersdump`
output after creating the new trigger. You can use `save` command to save configured trigger so it is available after reboot.
For more information of how to setup triggers, please refer to the product full manual Setup Triggers sections, which
can be downloaded at https://www.linortek.com/downloads/documentations/
Here are some samples for the trigger:
• To activate relay 1 every 30 minutes, use the command: trigger=time,00.30,relay.1
• To activate relay 2 every hour, use the command: trigger=time,01.00,relay.2
• To send a report every 1.5 hours starting from 8th Apr 2020, 6:00pm, use the command:
• To activate relay.1 at 4th July 2020, 12am, use the command: trigger=time,:20200704T0000,relay.1
• When relay 2 is on, iTrixx starts counting hour meter 2: trigger=relay.2,high,hm.2
• When digital input 1 is on, iTrixx starts counting hour meter 1: trigger=din.1,high,hm.1
• When input voltage greater/equal to 3v, iTrixx starts counting hour meter 1: trigger=voltmon,ge.3:0,hm.1
• When analog input 2 value less than 3.5, turn relay 2 on, when value is higher than 4.1 reset the trigger:
• When hour meter 1 is equal to 100, send report: trigger=hm.1,eq.100,report
• When temperature is greater/equal to 40, turn relay 1 on, when temperature is below 35, the trigger is reset:
• When accelerometer value is greater than 5, send report, when accelerometer is below 1, the trigger is reset:
To get a report when digital input 1 is staying on for more than 5 minutes you need to set two triggers:
• trigger=din.1,high,duration.1 (When digital input 1 is on, iTrixx starts counting duration 1)
• trigger=duration.1,ge.300,report (When duration 1 is greater/equal to 5 minutes, send report)
To view existing triggers, use the command triggersdump. This command will list all configured triggers in a numbered list. To
delete a trigger, use the command triggerdelete=x where x corresponds to the number listed from the triggersdump command.
Once your iTrixx is wired and configured, it will periodically report its data over your network. You can use any computer on the
same network to monitor the data using the HourCollector app, DataCollector app, or publish the hour readings as MQTT message
and monitor the data remotely from your CMMS or other custom database as long asthey subscribe to the topic on your brocker.
For details of how to use different tools for data monitoring, please refer to the product full manual Data Monitoring section.
For complete product documentation, current software, web pages and various utilities, visit https://www.linortek.com/downloads/.
The product manual, as well as software updates, are available for download.
If you need assistance on setting your devices, please feel free to contact us:
Phone: (001)3364856199
Email: [email protected]
You can also start a chat from our website to reach our support teams.
Winston Salem, NC 27127
[email protected]
Information subject to change without notice.
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