Classik-K Product Description
cupboard, attic or any area where the driver and source products are stored
but this area is nonetheless defined as the Main-room.
Another term for an audio distribution system.
Phase-locked loop. A circuit that allows tuners to lock onto stations.
A Philips remote control format.
A Linn multiroom requires a Receiver in every Secondary-room. Receives the
Balanced Audio signal from the main room and converts it into standard Line
Level audio. Also relays control and feedback information between its own
room and the main room system.
Radio Frequencies
A room or area included in a Linn multiroom system that is not the Main-room
i.e. one Main-room distributes audio to a number of Secondary rooms. Also
sometimes referred to as a Local room or a Satellite room.
Loosely refers to a product or system that is not interconnected to other
products or systems. In the context of Linn multiroom systems, you would use
the term to describe a product or system that is not part of a multiroom
system, in order to differentiate it from those that are i.e you may say that one
Classik is ‘Connected’, while another is Standalone.
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