Classik-K Product Description
Rev 4
A R e t a i l e r ’ s g u i d e t o t h e L i n n
C l a s s i k - K
Main changes since Rev1:
Important Information section - Addition of note to clarify non-inclusion of speaker cable kit
Main changes since Rev2:
Important Information section - Added note to state that RS232 control of Classik-K is not possible
Main changes since Rev3:
Important Information section – Added note to state that if a Classik-K is used as a Driver in a Knekt or
Connect system, all rooms including the Main-room must listen to the same Main-room source.
Also, added that a Classik-K used as a Receiver in a Knekt system requires the addition of an RCU in
all cases. (This information was already included in the ‘Multiroom’ section, however it was thought
necessary to reiterate these important details as they were missed by some users)