Copyright © Linkayl Technology Limited
LK-UP211 UPS Control Panel (1.5A)
Manual control
Remote control
A er power on all the LEDs light for 1 second and turn off, the power indicator LED
normally on
Press reset bu on, all the LEDs light for 1 second and turn off, reset successfully
L2 will be explosion-flashing a er controller receives fire signal
External manual switch is equivalent to controller panel switch
The maximum running me of the motor is 5 minutes
Press UP bu on, the windows open, LED turns on, turns off a er 5 seconds
Press DOWN bu on, the windows close, LED turns on, turns off a er 5 seconds
Press STOP bu on, ,the motors stop, LED turns on, LED turns off a er 1 second
The controller encodes by 433MHz learning code, can store 10 sets of transmission codes
Matching code
Power the controller on
Pressing STOP bu on on controller for 5 seconds
LED flashes 3 mes and turns off
Press UP within 15 seconds
LED flashes 3 mes and turns off
Code matched successfully
Clearing single code
Power the controller on
Keep pressing STOP key on the controller for 5S
LED flashes 3 mes and turns off
Press DOWN bu on on the remote within 15 seconds
LED flashes 3 mes and turns off, code cleared successfully
Clearing all codes
Power controller on
Pressing STOP /DOWN bu on on the controller for 5 seconds
LEDs flash 3 mes and turn off
All the codes will be deleted a er this opera on
Signal control
Manual signal. Control the window by the bu ons on itself, external dry contact manual
switch and RF remote
Cascaded signal. As a master controller sends signal to the slave controller, can also be
used as slave controller to receive the signal from the master controller to drive the
Fire signal. Capable of receiving a signal from fire center, smoke sensor, gas detector open
the window automa cally, send feedback signal to fire centre
Rain signal. A er receiving the signal of rain sensor close the window
Temperature/humidity signal. Control the window by processing external
temperature/humidity sensor
Signal and priority
Manual signal
Panel bu ons, manual switch, remote, master controller
Fire signal
Smoke sensor, gas detector
W/R signal
Wired wind rain sensor
T/H signal
Temperature sensor, humidity sensor
Reset and shielding
A er manual signal processed controller receives input signal in real me
A er processing the signal from fire centre, smoke sensor or gas detector, the controller
immediately shields all the input signals, the controller must be reset by pressing K1
A er wired rain sensor signal processed, the controller shields lower priority signal, only
receives the higher priority signal un l reset or manual signal processed
A er T&H sensor signal processed, the controller is in the reset state
If the controller is not connected to a temperature and humidity sensor, the T/H port
must be shielded (put op on switch to “Y” posi on)