Copyright 1993 Link Communications
Because of the versatility of the RLC-6, connection to any controller can be easy and simple, giving the user
total control of the link system. In some applications (if you don't need to change modes remotely), the RLC-6 can be
connected without the aid of a repeater controller. Without any external control line connections, the RLC-6 reverts to
MODE 0. Other modes are selected by pulling control lines down to ground, either with output lines of your existing
repeater controller, or manually. See the mode definitions section for more information about the different modes.
The RLC-6 requires 3 logical control lines to select the 8 linking modes of the RLC-6. The lines are active
low and must be either open collector input or logic level (0-5V). Damage to the controller may occur if the voltages
on the control lines exceed 5V. The 3 logical control lines are labeled Out 1 pin 17, Out 2 pin 18, and Out
3 pin 19. When changing the modes on the RLC-6, care must also be taken to insure that the control lines change in
unison. If the lines do not change at the same time, intermediate modes might be selected while the user is selecting
their intended mode.
For example: The RLC-6 is set for Mode 0, control lines 0,1,2 are all inactive (5V, remember that they are
active low). The user selects Mode 5 by activating control lines 0 and then 2 (changing them to 0V). When the state
of control line 0 goes from inactive to active, the RLC-6 changes to mode 1, possibly activating a PTT that would not
be active in either Mode 0 or Mode 5. Now the user changes the state of control line 2, putting the RLC-6 into mode
5. Care must be taken when changing the mode of the link controller, if the lines are not changed simultaneously.
The RLC-6 provides access to the 3 lines that are connected to Link 1, Link 2, and Link 3 COR signals for
monitoring purposes. These lines can be connected to your controller's logical input lines for detection of link
activity. These lines go active low upon sensing a valid COR. Applications for these lines include sending special
courtesy beeps when a linking port goes from active to inactive. If a special beep is needed for link port 1, send the
special beep when logical line 1 (LCOR1 pin 33) goes from a logical 0V to a logical 5V. Link 1 COR is
connected to LCOR1 pin 33, Link 2 COR is connected to LCOR2 pin 34, and Link 3 COR
is connected to LCOR3 pin 35.