Refer to Figure 1 for proper measurement equipment setup
and follow the procedure below:
1. Place JP1 in position ON and JP2 in position EXTER_
POWER. Turn off all external switches SW1-SW4.
Connect turrets ADJ and GND with external wire.
2. Adjust V1 supply output to 12.0V, V2 to 5V, and auxiliary
power supply to 10V. Use 30Ω resistive load.
3. Turn all external switches SW1-SW4 on.
4. Place scope probes at the ADJ and OUT turrets. Discon-
nect the turrets ADJ and GND and measure the time
between events when the ADJ pin voltage reaches
1.097V and when the output voltage starts to rise. The
qualification time should be in the range 34ms to 94ms.
5. Turning SW1 off or decreasing V1 to 9V initiates swi-
tchover from V1 to V2. Turning SW1 back to on or
increasing V1 above 10.5V initiates switchover from
V2 to V1 with a qualification time delay.
6. Turn all external switches SW1-SW4 off again and connect
turrets ADJ and GND with external wire. Use 5Ω resistive
load. Place current probe to measure load current.
7. Turn all external switches SW1-SW4 on. Disconnect the
turrets ADJ and GND and observe overcurrent transients
with cooling period and thermal protection.
Figure 1. Proper Measurement Equipment Setup