Quick start proceDure
The DC1765A is very straightforward to operate. Refer to
Figure 1 for the following discussion.
DC1765A Configuration
1. Apply a low-noise and low-spurious 3.3V supply between
the V+ (E1) and GND (E2) turrets.
2. Connect a low phase-noise (or jitter) single-ended or
differential input signal to IN+ (J1) and/or IN– (J2)
SMA connectors. Refer to the LTC6957 data sheet for
appropriate input signal types and levels.
3. Connect either of the outputs (OUT1, J3 and J4 or OUT2,
J5 and J6) to a high-speed scope, spectrum analyzer or
a signal analyzer to start the evaluation of the LTC6957.
4. Configure the input bandwidth of the LTC6957 with the
use of FILTA (JP1) and FILTB (JP2) jumpers. Follow the
instructions given in the LTC6957 data sheet to choose
the correct bandwidth given an input signal.
5. Shut down an unused output by using jumper SD1 (JP3)
to shutdown OUT1 or jumper SD2 (JP4) to shutdown
DC1765A Reconfiguration
The DC1765A is flexible and allows the connectivity of a
variety of input and output signal types. The DC1765A is
configured as shown in the schematic diagram. However,
the DC1765A allows the installation of different input and
output configurations to adapt to a variety of logic sig-
nals. Refer to the Applications Information section of the
LTC6957 data sheet for all possible connectivity options
that can be implemented by modifying the DC1765A.