User Manual
Important! Before starting the installation, please ensure that all devices are powered off.
The following steps are for an installation using DVI-D equipment, if you are using HDMI
equipment, you should substitute the DVI-D cables for HDMI to DVI-D cables where required.
1. Connect your DVI-D source to the Fibre Optic Transmitter using a DVI-D cable (maximum
length 5m)
2. Remove the dust covers from the Fibre Optic Transmitter and Receiver ports and your SC
Fibre Cable
3. Connect one end of the SC duplex fibre cable (maximum length 300m) to the Transmitter
and the other end to the Receiver. This must be set up as 1:1 connection and NOT as a
cross over connection as provided by some SC Duplex Cables with pre-installed clamp on
the connector. If you have a cross over cable please swap the connectors over with each
other on one end only. Please ensure that the SC connectors are fully engaged before
4. Use another DVI-D cable (maximum length 5m) to connect your DVI-D display/projector
device to the DVI-D port on the Receiver
5. Plug the DC power supplies into the transmitter and receiver and power on
6. Then power on your display and source to complete the installation
As well as extending a DVI-D signal, the Fibre Optic Extender can also repeat IR remote
commands/signals, with the use of the optional IR Repeater Kit (LINDY No. 38006), allowing
you to control your DVI-D source whilst up to 300m away. Simply connect the IR Repeater
Transmitter and Receiver to the relevant ports on the Fibre Optic Transmitter and Receiver
You can also extend a RS232 UART signal, simply connect your RS232 devices to the D9
connectors on the transmitter and receiver
If you have no image on your display
Check that the DC plugs and jacks used by external power supplies (both the extender
units and others) are firmly connected and that the Power LED is on
Check that the SC Fibre Connectors are plugged in correctly and that the Link Status LED
is lit. If the Link LED is not lit then check your cable has a 1:1 configuration. If it still is not
lit, please try another SC cable to make sure it isn't broken
Check that the DVI-D source and display are both powered on and active
Power off all the devices, then power on in this order: first, the transmitter and receiver
modules, then the display and finally the source
Reduce the length of DVI-D cable used, or use a higher quality cable
Mit dem DVI-D Fibre Optic Extender haben Sie ein qualitativ absolut hochstehendes Produkt
erworben. Dieser Extender kann DVI-D Signale unkomprimiert in voller Auflösung und Qualität
über optische Multimode SC Duplexkabel (50/125µm) bis zu 300m weit übertragen. Er
unterstützt DVI-D Single Link bis 1920 x 1200 sowie DVI HDTV Signale inkl. Audio und HDCP
in voller FullHD 1080p/60 Auflösung. Für größere Distanzen bis 600m können zwei Extender
kaskadiert werden.
LINDY Fibre Optic DVI-D Extender (1 x Transmitter, 1 x Receiver)
2x Steckernetzteil mit auswechselbaren Steckern / Multi-Country Power Adapter (5V DC)
Dieses Handbuch
Überträgt DVI-D oder DVI Signale über LWL SC Duplex Kabel bis 300m Kabellänge
Einsetzbar für Computer Equipment, Home Theater und Home Cinema
Verwendet Standard Netzwerk SC Duplex Multi-Mode Fibre Optic LWL Kabel 50/125µm
Auto Power Save Mode wenn die DVI-D Signalquelle kein Bildsignal einspeist
Automatische Laserabschaltung wenn das LWL Kabel bricht oder abgezogen wird
Unterstützt RS232 UART Übertragung über seine D9 Anschlussstecker
Optionale IR-Fernbedienung Repeater (separat erhältlich: LINDY Art.-Nr. 38006)
6GBit/s. totale Bandbreite über 2adrigen (Duplex) Fiber Optic Link
Kompatibel mit der DVI-D 2.0 Spezifikation, HDCP- und HDTV-kompatibel
Unterstützt Auflösungen bis DVI-D Single Link 1920x1600@60Hz sowie FullHD 1080p/60
Unterstützt HDMI Audioformate über DVI-D Anschlüsse
Maximale Länge des SC Duplex Multimodekabels: 300m
Maximale Länge der DVI-D Anschlusskabel 5m an Ein- oder Ausgang
Abmessungen: 16.2cm x 12cm x 3cm (jeweils Transmitter und Receiver)
2x Weitbereichs-Steckernetzteil 100…240VAC / 5VDC ~2,5A mit 4 Wechselsteckern für
Euro, UK, US und AUS/China