Before the delivery, c/o manufacturer head office, the machine has been subjected to the safety tests foreseen from the actual
and applicable legislation and to the functioning tests in accordance with the purpose defined in the present instructions manual
for the use. Besides, all installed components are subjected to a detailed visual and instrumental check, with the aim to
guarantee also the agreement to the contractual requirements.
The Electric Mixer here follow called “machine” is designed to amalgamate doughes, both tough both soft, made from flour,
salts, yeasts, fats and liquids (water, eggs, ...), potatoes and minced meat and other ingredients in the industry and in the food
The machine is generally constituted from the following elements (cfr. annexed):
n. 1 structure constituted from a unique melting, which supports and includes the motor parts and the control devices. In
some models, the machine superior part, or the head, can be tipped over to allow the tool change, the bowl removal and
the load/unload of the food product. The head closure position is guaranteed through a quick mechanical hook, while the
open position is guaranteed from an appropriate preloaded cylinder;
n. 1 bowl containing the food products to amalgamate placed in the machine front zone and fastened to the same
machine. The bowl rotates mechanically in clockwise, for the effect of an electric motor started directly. In the machines
with tipping over head, the bowl can be removed manually;
n. 1 tools of dough on a vertical fixed board, placed on the machine head that rotates inside the bowl. The tool can be
spiral shaped or spatula. The tool rotates mechanically for the mechanical returns effect, controlled from the same motor
used for the bowl rotation; in some models the tool rotates for the effect of a second electric motor starter directly. In the
machines with tip-up head, the tool can be removed manually for the change and cleaning.
n. 1 dough breaker constituted from a fixed metallic pole, assembled on the machine head, placed in front of the tool.
The dough breaker allows a better mixture of the food products and to amalgamate in uniform way all food products;
n. 1 interblocked mobile shelter that recovers the bowl superior part in motion and that when it is opened, using an
interblock applied to the control system, produces the stop within 4 seconds of the dangerous mobile elements. The
mobile shelter can be full or full with opening in the front zone in transparent material, or in a steel grid. In the not full
recover versions is allowed the manual feeding of the dry ingredients with bowl in work position.
The electric motors can be three phase with one or more speeds (cfr. Technical data).
All machine parts addressed to be on contact with the food products, as bowl, tools, dough breaker, etc… are in stainless steel
materials or plastic material addressed to be on contact with the food.
The automatic functions, the programming and the machine operative sequence, included the delay times for the tool stop, the
speeds selection, etc…, are managed from electromechanical and electronic components, in wired logic, through the control
and check panel placed in the machine front zone (cfr. annexed)
In accordance with the functioning and production requirements, the machine can be constituted with different optional parts
(cfr. Technical data).
The possible further useable ingredients must not be dangerous for the operator and maintenance man health.
Besides they must not determine explosive zones. Consult always the technical data and the safety cards about
the dangers of every food product.
Eventually if dusty zone are generated, put on adequate protective mask, both during the manual loading, and
both during the machine working.
0161 696 0052