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Battery Calibration In the PowerBook
The PowerBook performs battery calibration under a specific set of
circumstances. Calibration of a battery will occur if:
• Two batteries are installed in the PowerBook.
• One or both batteries are allowed to completely charge
• The PowerBook runs until it turns itself OFF due to complete battery
• The batteries are depleted within eight hours of being fully charged.
If these conditions are met, the battery in the Right slot (only) will be
calibrated. Several other environmental and operational events or
conditions may prevent completion of the calibration sequence. The
PowerBook does not notify the user when calibration has, or has not
been accomplished.
Calibration and Conditioning in the PowerCenter
A battery is subjected to a 7.8 volt conditioning discharge level each
time it is calibrated in the PowerCenter. Batteries should be calibrated
and conditioned at about the same intervals. Therefore, the
PowerCenter combines the two procedures and does not have a
separate sequence for conditioning.
The PowerCenter can be set up to calibrate and condition two batteries
overnight. Proper completion of the calibration sequence is noted on
the LCD displays of the PowerCenter.