The usage of a full-size dissimilar spare
wheel and tire assembly can lead to
impairment of the following:
Handling, stability and braking
Comfort and noise.
Ground clearance and parking at curbs.
Winter weather driving capability.
Wet weather driving capability.
Four-wheel driving capability.
When driving with the full-size dissimilar
spare wheel and tire assembly additional
caution should be given to:
Towing a trailer.
Driving vehicles with a camper body.
Driving vehicles with a load on the cargo
Drive cautiously when using a full-size
dissimilar spare wheel and tire assembly and
seek service as soon as possible.
Location of the Spare Tire and Tools
The spare tire is located under the vehicle,
just forward of the rear bumper. The jack,
swivel wrench and lug wrench are in the
following locations:
Under the vehicle, just forward of the rear bumper
Spare tire
Under the access panel located in the floor compartment behind the
rear seat
Jack and tool kit bag
2022 Navigator (TB9) Canada/United States of America, enUSA, Edition date: 202109, First-Printing
Changing a Road Wheel