The Vantage
549X can be used with a broad range of DC stick
The CC-STICK position of the MODE switch is designed for
horizontal, vertical-up and over head welding with all types of
stick electrodes, especially low hydrogen. The OUTPUT CONTROL
knob adjusts the full output range for stick welding.
The ARC CONTROL knob sets the short circuit (arc force) current
during stick welding. Increasing the number from -10 (Soft) to
+10 (Crisp) increases the short circuit current and prevents
sticking of the electrode to the plate while welding. This can also
increase spatter. It is recommended that the ARC CONTROL be set
to the minimum number without electrode sticking. Start with the
knob set at 0.
This slope controlled setting is intended for “out-of-position” and
“down hill” pipe welding where the operator would like to control
the current level by changing the arc length. The OUTPUT
CONTROL knob adjusts the full output range for pipe welding.
The ARC CONTROL knob sets the short circuit current (arc force)
during stick welding to adjust for a soft or a more forceful digging
arc (Crisp). Increasing the number from -10 (Soft) to +10 (Crisp)
increases the short circuit current which results in a more forceful
digging arc. Typically a forceful digging arc is preferred for root
and hot passes. A softer arc is preferred for fill and cap passes
where weld puddle control and deposition (“stacking” of iron) are
key to fast travel speeds. It is recommended that the ARC
CONTROL be set initially at 0.
The Vantage
549X can be used in a wide variety of DC TIG
welding applications.
The TOUCH START TIG setting of the MODE switch is for DC TIG
welding. To initiate a weld, the OUTPUT CONTROL knob is first set
to the desired current and the tungsten is touched to the work.
During the time the tungsten is touching the work, there is very
little voltage or current and, in general, this avoids tungsten conta-
mination. Then, the tungsten is gently lifted off the work in a
rocking motion, which establishes the arc.
To stop the arc, simply lift the TIG torch away from the work
piece. When the arc voltage reaches approximately 30 volts, the
arc will go out and the machine will automatically reset to the
touch start current level. The tungsten may then be retouched to
the work piece to restrike the arc. The arc may also be started and
stopped with an amptrol or arc start switch.
NOTE: While using TOUCH START TIG mode, it is important to use
the proper welding cable size to ensure expected performance
The ARC CONTROL is not active in the TIG mode.
In general the ‘Touch Start’ feature avoids tungsten contamination
without the use of a high frequency unit. If the use of a high
frequency generator is desired, the K930-2 TIG Module can be
used with the Vantage
The Vantage
549X is equipped with the required radio frequency
bypass circuitry for the connection of high frequency generating
The Vantage
549X and any high frequency generating equipment
must be properly grounded. See the K930-2 TIG Module operating
manuals for complete instructions on installation, operation, and
When using the TIG Module, the OUTPUT CONTROL knob on the
549X is used to set the maximum range of the
CURRENT CONTROL on the TIG Module amptrol.
For high frequency AC TIG, utilize the auxiliary output to power a
Square Wave TIG 200.