Video ActiveX Control
System Time
HTML Control Panel
Frame Statistics
Online status
2. Configuration
Video ActiveX control is a software component displaying video streaming embedded inside
an HTML page. PDR-400IP's video ActiveX gets digital authentication code signed.
PDR-400IP's video ActiveX can be automatically downloaded to a user's PC when the user
logon to PDR-400IP for the first time. Internet Browser should be configured to allow ActiveX
plug-in run on the user's PC.
PDR-400IP allows a user to control PDR-400IP's keypad system. The operation of HTML
control panel and PDR-400IP's keypad system are identical.
Frame rate and frame size.
Number of person is currently accessing PDR-400IP.
PDR-400IP's administrator can configure PDR-400IP via standard HTML web page. There are
basically three system categories including server, network, and video settings. This chapter
explains the detail of each system setting.
Text stamp feature allows a user to add text description for the video ActiveX. To setup text
stamp, please see "Video Setting Text Stamp" for detail.
Text Stamp