DVR User Manual
Prepare Firmware
To prepare firmware update, please create a directory, firmware, in the USB flash disk. The
USB flash disk should contain file system FAT-16 or FAT-32. Please visit the web site at
www.meritlilin.com to download the latest firmware and save the file in the directory
mentioned above.
Start Update Firmware
To perform firmware update, please plug in the USB flash disk into the DVR. Select Start
Update Firmware menu item and press Enter button. It will automatically transfer the
firmware into the DVR. After transferring firmware, wait until “Please Reboot System”
message gets prompted and reboot the DVR.
Export Setup
Export setup feature allows a user to export internal configuration into a system file, at USB
flash disk’s firmware directory. The file can later be imported to other machines. The
imported machine’s internal configuration gets updated based on the original DVR’s
configuration. To perform Export Setup, please select Export Setup menu item and press
Enter button.
Import Setup
To perform Import Setup feature, please select Import Setup menu item and press Enter key.
The configuration of the DVR gets updated based on the system file.
Version menu item indicates the current version number of the DVR.
Chapter 6-6-9. Language
The DVR provides multi-language OSD support. A user can change his/her preferred
language to operate the DVR. Press on Left or Right button to change the Language setting.
Chapter 6-6-10. Live Audio
To turn on or off live audio monitoring, please set Live Audio option.
Chapter 6-7. Network
The DVR allows a user to access the video via Internet or LAN. In order to connect to LAN
or Internet, subnet mask, gateway, and IP address should be configured. Please consult
your Internet provider or system administrator for above information.