SSI Baud Rate
This register sets the communication speed of the SSI interface with SSI
Setting range: 100 Hz to 1MHz.
You are free to set any desired frequency between 0.1 kHz and 1000.0 kHz. For
technical reasons however, in the upper frequency range with Master operation,
the unit will only generate one of the following frequencies accurately:
1000,0 kHz
888,0 kHz
800,0 kHz
727,0 kHz
666,0 kHz
615,0 kHz
571,0 kHz
533,0 kHz
500,0 kHz
470,0 kHz
444,0 kHz
421,0 kHz
400,0 kHz
380,0 kHz
363,0 kHz
347,0 kHz
333,0 kHz
320,0 kHz
307,0 kHz
296,0 kHz
285,0 kHz
275,0 kHz
266,0 kHz
258,0 kHz
250,0 kHz
With Master operation, other settings will result in generation of the next upper
or lower value according to above list. With all settings < 250.0 kHz the error
between set rate and generated rate becomes negligible.
It is mandatory to set the Baud rate also with Slave operation. In this case,
however, the setting is only used to determine the pause time for correct
synchronization (pause is detected after 4 clock cycles). The unit automatically
synchronizes with every remote clock signal within the specified Baud rate
SSI Wait Time
This register sets the waiting time (gap) between two SSI telegrams in a range
from 0.001 to 99.999 sec. During normal operation, due to processor cycle
times, the real time may vary by 512 µsec. with respect to the preset time. The
fastest sequence possible is 1.3 µsec with a setting of 0.000.
In Slave operation mode, the distance of the SSI protocols depends on the
remote Master and the
specifies the distance of evaluation data
strings. Setting this register to 100 msec results in evaluation of one telegram
only every 100 msec, even though the Master may have transmitted many
telegrams more.
Especially with applications of closed-loop control loops, it may be
advantageous to have fixed updating cycles of the analogue output (DIL switch
7 0-20mA / 4-20mA out = OFF). This is possible in Master mode only, and the
setting (it must be > 0) directly corresponds to the time pattern
of updates.
MAN IF51 I_E 1.1.odt
10 - Parameter settings
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