When the default parameters are set (EM5812/16384PA), increments per each
step are as follows:
0.076 mV
= 0 V … +5 V
0.153 mV
= 0 V … +10 V
0.153 mV
= -5 V … +5 V
0.305 mV
= -10 V … +10 V
4.12 Counting direction
The counting direction circuit is designed to reverse the counting direction. In
other words it allows the count up also when the shaft is rotating counter-
clockwise. Connect the Counting direction input to 0Vdc if not used. Connect
the counting direction input to 0Vdc to have an increasing count when the
encoder is turning clockwise (CW); connect the counting direction input to +Vdc
to have an increasing count when the encoder is turning counter-clockwise
(CCW). Clockwise and counter-clockwise directions are viewed from the shaft
The counting direction can be set also through the programming tool. The
page allows
the operator two choose the options CW (STANDARD) and CCW (INVERTED).
When the counting direction is set to CW (STANDARD) -
= CW (STANDARD)-, if the Counting direction input has LOW logic
level (0Vdc) the encoder will provide the increasing count when the shaft is
turning clockwise (and the decreasing count when the shaft is turning counter-
clockwise); on the contrary if the Counting direction input has HIGH logic level
(+Vdc) the encoder will provide the increasing count when the shaft is turning
counter-clockwise (and the decreasing count when the shaft is turning
clockwise). When the option CCW (INVERTED) is set -
= CCW (INVERTED)-, if the Counting direction input has LOW logic
level (0Vdc) the encoder will provide the increasing count when the shaft is
turning counter-clockwise (and the decreasing count when the shaft is turning
clockwise); on the contrary if the Counting direction input has HIGH logic level
(+Vdc) the encoder will provide the increasing count when the shaft is turning
clockwise (and the decreasing count when the shaft is turning counter-
After having set the new counting direction it is necessary to set also the preset
MAN EM58 PA E 1.1
Electrical connection
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